Part 15

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Henry felt fuzzy when he finally woke up the next morning. The sun shining too bright into the room and he felt like his head was pressed into each other like a tight rubber band around his temple. He groaned feeling his throat dry as paper and his stomach tightened right under his chest. He felt every breath he took feels like someone sitting right on top of him and he can't breathe properly.

He flutters his eyes open finding the room to be empty and Alex is nowhere to be found. Henry glad that the nauseated feeling he had gone but the headache still linger and his visions blurred. He took a deep breath before raising himself up and placed his feet on the floor and he leaned forward clutching on to his stomach. He noticed how Alex had cleared the trash can and Henry was glad.

Henry slowly raised himself and straightened his back feeling the tense over his muscle after the whole night crouching over the trash can. He stepped forward and feels himself getting dizzy but he managed to stand properly by holding on to the cupboard. He took small steps grabbing his stuffs so he could get to shower and washed off the putrid smell he had over his body.

The feeling of cold water running down his back and right on top of his head had subsides his tensed muscles and his pain. Henry sighs turning off the faucet and grabbed the towel wrapping over his waist before he stepped out from the stall headed to the sink area to brush his teeth and shaved. He washed his face with his cleanser right after and applied his aftershave before he stood there and stares at his own reflection in the mirror.

Alex's words had caught his mind last night and the thought of Danny and that dead student haunts him. He know he trusted Alex more than anyone but there's got to be a different side of every story and he knew for sure he won't be listening to only one person especially when it was based on rumors.

He runs his fingers through the bump on the side of his head feeling the swelling had reduced a little but still pain whenever he touches it. He sighed zipping his bag and as he turned, he gasped at the sight of Danny stood there leaning against the door frame with a smile on his face. "Morning." He says and Henry couldn't lie that he was quite surprised to see him here. "Morning." Henry replied hesitantly.

"I just wanna check on you. How are you feeling?" He asks and Henry stood there frozen with his hand gripped on his small bag feeling his heart racing in seconds. He nods swallowing his throat dryly at him before Danny walked closer towards Henry by the sink counter. "I'm glad. I hate that our first encounter to be you hurting." Henry felt chills running down his spine as Danny took a step closer and he was already backed away on to the sink with nowhere to go and he saw Danny smirked nervously while scratching his neck.

"I guess Alex told you what happened. I can tell you my side of the story." He says and Henry was stunt silenced by now. "I don't care what happened. It's in the past." He lied and try to pass by him but Danny had his gripped over Henry's waist and pushed him back to the sink softly lingering his palm over Henry's towel. "It wasn't my fault. He was drunk and he took drugs while he was drunk. By the time I realized it, he was already not breathing. Everyone thought he was sleeping." Henry felt Danny's hand softly grazed upon his hips before he lingers over Henry's towel knots by his hips.

Henry swallowed his throat feeling Danny's breath close to his neck and his hand found the slit of Henry's towel raising it higher towards his inner thigh. "You believe me do you." He whispered into his ear, rubbing his nose tip against Henry's cheek and he softly moaned licking his lower lips. "You smell so good." He whispered into Henry's neck sniffing his scent and Henry shudders in his breath.

Henry is relieved when Danny's hand was no longer underneath his towel but raised towards his cheek. But he gasped when Danny pressed his thigh over Henry's semi hard member before he caged him in between his arm against the counter. "Dan-" Henry calls but Danny had cupped his palm over Henry's jaw lingering his mouth over Henry's lips. "I can't stop thinking about you Henry."

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