Part 21

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"Alex please."

"Help me."

"Alex, I'm scared."

Henry's voice echoed over and over in his dreams and when he pulled Henry by his shoulder to face him, he was greeted with horror right in front of him. Henry stood there with bloods in between his legs soaking up his grey pants with both of his palms raised, covered with blood dripping all over the floor on his feet. "Alex." Henry voice trembled with fear and Alex couldn't believe his eyes at what he just saw in front of him. He tried to tell him that everything will be alright, that he will be alright but nothing comes out. No words, no voice and he swore he screamed at Henry's face but everything was nothing but silenced. Henry couldn't hear him even though he tried yelling repeatedly.

He saw Henry starts pouring blood from his nose and his mouth before his eyes rolled back and Alex wanted to tell Henry to hang on but when he touches him, he crumbled to pieces and dispersed into thin air.

"HENRY!" Alex screamed his name and jolted himself awake feeling sweats drenched his whole body and his forehead. He tried to calm his breaths down but the moment he felt a hand over his shoulder, he jumped in fright. "Easy." Phillip's comforting voice was heard next to him and Alex stares at him surprised at his presence inside his dorm room.

"Breathe. It's just a dream." He says and Alex finally catches up his breath and he sighed in his palm before his eyes went back to Phillip sitting on his bed. "What are you doing here so early?" He asks and Phillip pressed his lips together before he turned his body to face Henry's bed. "It's noon, almost one." He replied and Alex hurriedly went to his phone charged by his bed and saw tons of missed calls and messages from his mother that he didn't reply. He sighs knowing how tired he was yesterday and replied to his mum shortly that he just woke up before he tossed his phone back on the side and saw Phillip still staring at Henry's bed.

"I'm bringing him back home as soon as the doctor released him, he will continue his recovery in London." He whispered worried how Alex would react and he was right. "What?! NO! No you can't do that! We need to make them pay for what they did to Henry!" Alex raised himself to face Phillip's side and he can see him stares at Henry's bed and only then Alex noticed, the blood is more visible than it was since last night.

"Henry used to have that kind of dream. Waking up, drenched in sweats and screaming for me. I can't leave him here so I need to bring him home. Plus it's better if he's home. I can keep a close eye on him." He explains and Alex sighs desperately bringing his long legs down on the floor next to Phillip.

"What's gonna happened now?" Alex asks and Phillip took a long sigh before he stood from the bed walking towards the study table. "I will have someone come and pack his things before we returned back to London. Say your goodbye Alex." Alex can feel his tears pooling over his eyes as Philip ran his fingers over Henry's side of the table and pulled out one of his book. Alex eyed him standing in his long black coat with his suit underneath, flipping through pages of Henry's side notes and noticed the hand written scribbled on the sides and smiled.

"This is his favorite book." He says and Alex already knew it by now. "Dad give it to him on his eighth birthday. He carried it everywhere. The pages are worn but he took care of this book more than his own life." He handed Alex the book and he took it in his hand. His fingers runs through the rim and the worn pages feeling his heart shattering in pieces. "Keep it. I knew he would want you too, considered how much he wrote about you inside." He says and Alex tilted his head in surprise to face Phillip towering over him.

"Take care of him." Alex says with a broken voice and Phillip nods before he walked towards the door and turned one last time to face Alex on the bed. "Thank you, for everything. Even though he calls me all the time to complaint about you, but know that he appreciates you for being his roommate for the past months since he's here. You were kind of his first friends that brought him out of his shell. You showed him the world that he had missed."

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