Part 19

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Alex stayed in the waiting room with his mum for almost an hour before he finally realized, "Mum I need my phone. I need to call Phillip." He says knowing his mum had his phone in her pursed and she handed it to him. He unplugged the powerbank off from his phone and starts tapping on the screen. He saw all the message and the calls that came from Henry and he broke into tears again.He taps on the final voice call that Henry left him before he placed it over his ear shakily to listen. 

"Alex, please. I don't know where I am right now and I'm scared. Danny took me to a party and now I'm stuck here. Please Alex. Please call me back. I'm scared."

Alex cupped his mouth muffling his tears listening to Henry's frightened voice over the speaker and wished, he wished he could listen to it sooner so he would save him. He felt like all of this is his fault and he knew for a fact what Danny is capable off and yet he still let Henry falls under his trap.

"Oh God." He cried further before Ellen grabbed the phone and listened to the voicemail and her heart broke. Alex turned to face her with tears running down his cheek, "Mum it's my fault. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left, I shouldn't let him- Oh God Hen." He says over and over before Ellen pulled him for another hug and Alex sobs in more tears. "I'm so sorry darling, I wish it was not how it went, I'm so sorry baby." 

"Mr Claremont? Miss Claremont?" The officer came and Ellen parted their hugs from each other before wiping her own tears and stood. She handed her hand for a shake to the officer and they both looked at each other. "Elle?" The officers recognized her and she finally realized it was her college friend back then when they used to sneak here for a party. "Mikey?" She calls and the guy smiles at her.

"Is this Alex? Gosh you're taller than your mum, but I can see he has Leo look." He says and Ellen smiled at his gesture. "We both went to college together then I got my current wife pregnant so I had to drop school." He says and Alex nods politely at him with a fake smile on his face.

"Is Henry your roommate?" He asks as he grabbed a chair and Alex nods weakly before they both seated across from each other. Mikey was the kindest police officer Alex had ever met. He knew how hard it is for him right now finding Henry like that and to witness such horror in such young lives.

"Look Alex I know a cold case when I see one. All I can do right now is taking your statement and hopefully Henry's if he is willing to talk. But listening to what the doctor told me, there is no chance in winning this in court. Even if I didn't finished our law course but I know that this is not strong enough to fight in court. It's his words against them. Even with that voicemail." He says handing back Alex's phone to him and he stares blankly at the floor beneath his feet. "Plus, on most rape victim cases, there is only two percent of them that willing to stood in front of a judge and make a statement. Let's just hope your friend is one of that two percent." Mikey continued.

He was right, the case is basically Henry's words against those bastards since Henry washed off any remaining evidence of their crime and fighting this will only make it worst for Henry.

The officer stood up followed by Ellen and gave her a hug, "It was nice seeing you again Ellie, I know Helen would love seeing you too if she wasn't exhausted enough with the twins at home." Ellen smiles shaking her head at him before watching him left the waiting room.

"I need to call Phillip." Alex says again and Ellen hummed letting him walked out from the waiting room to call whoever Phillip is and she stayed there in the waiting room before she pulls out her phone and taps on the screen.

The line rang for about three times before it finally answered and Ellen couldn't hold her tears when she heard his voice. "Ellie?" He calls after a dead silence and she sobs, "Ellie what is it? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks and Ellen believes when Alex says that he is a nice guy.

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