Part 26

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After Phillip left to do his work in his office, Bea settles in her old room with help of one of the maid. She couldn't help but feeling a twisting knot right under her chest after seeing the walls of her bedroom and how it remained as it was the way she had left it years ago. She runs her fingers over her desk that contained her old trophies for gymnastics that she used to win back in school.

He saw the linen of her bed had changed into a plain cream colored one with a floral patterned comforter. She remembers all the emotions she used to have living in this room. After her father's death, Bea had dived into a severe addiction that made her lose control of herself. If it wasn't for Phillip sending her to rehab, she might be ended up dead somewhere in the ditch or under the bridge somewhere.

She wiped her tears after she felt the fluttering kick over the side of her abdomen and she smiles. She rubs her belly in a soft circles as she sat down on the edge of her bed. "I know you're hungry baby. Let's get some food okay." She said to her stomach and later felt more fluttering kick on the side earning her another smile before she sat up to head to the kitchen.


"Hey." Phillip called as he stepped in the dining area and saw Bea eating lunch by herself. He pulled out a chair next to her before they served him his lunch. "Henry's not coming down?" She asks and Phillip sighs longly before placed the napkin over his lap. "Good luck getting him out of the bed to eat." He said before he cut his salmon and ate them.

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" Phillip asks out of sudden and Bea stayed silently next to him. "I am free from rehab for three years Pip. My baby is not gonna be affected by those substances. I promised." She clarified and Phillip could sense guilt in her tone. "I know Bea, I looked it up. You are working there as a therapist. I'm proud of you." He says stroking her shoulder in assurance.

"His name is Thomas Enfield. He used to be my sponsor." She says softly and Phillip nods, "You didn't want me to be your sponsor because of him?" He asks and she nods. "He was a great guy." She adds and Phillip turned his gaze sharply at her. "Was? As in past tense?" He asks.

"He died in a car accident before I could tell him I am pregnant." Her voice breaks and Phillip can see how hard she held her tears. "I'm so sorry Bea. You could have told me." He says and Bea wiped her tears with the napkin on her lap. "I know but I'm not looking to come back to Hill House." Phillip snorted at her words, "What?" She asks confused.

"Henry said the same thing." He smiled before he poke his salmon again. "Well, we both enjoyed American influenced in our lives. Unlike yours." She pointed and he smiles. "He's crushing on someone. A good chap." Phillip adds and Bea turned to her side to face him. "Tell me!" She said eagerly and Phillip laughs a little at her reaction. "Better you asks him yourself, he will kill me if I told you without his consent." Bea sighs, pouting at Phillip's denying her request but he is right, Henry won't forgive him if she knew without his approval.

After lunch Bea headed to Henry's bedroom and after few knocks and no reply, she let herself in. She saw Henry laid on his back with a comforter over his chest and his face is calm still asleep. Bea sighs seeing Henry's room just as she remembers. The guitar he used to play leaning against the wall collecting dust and his books is stacked neatly against the shelves.

She eyed the book titles and noticed on one of the copies that her father used to have. She smiles when she pulled out the book and flipped through the pages. She stares at the notes Henry wrote on the sides and couldn't help smiling wider at his side notes marking thoughts that he has over the book.

She placed back the book when he heard Henry groaned in his sleep. She sat by his side and watched how he's tossing side to side under his blanket. "Stop." He mumbles and Bea wanted to comfort him but she didn't know how rough Henry can be considered by what Phillip told her. So she stayed by the edge of the bed watching how he struggled in his nightmare.

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