Chapter Nineteen

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Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
- Shawn Mendes

~ Midas ~

I sat down at the head of the meeting table. D'Angelo, Abu, and Yomar all sat around the table with me. I clenched my jaw, I had a feeling bringing them in here would be a terrible idea. I looked at D'Angelo and paused when I saw the tattoo down the back of his neck.


I felt like I stopped breathing. I looked at Yomar, and could see Ace written out on his forearm. Abu was wearing a long sleeve shirt, so I knew I wouldn't be able to see anything there. Did they all work there and for him? They all talked together before the door opened. Leo, Josie, and Matteo walked into the room, sitting down at the table with us.

"They will be calling shortly, Capo." Matteo said, nodding his head as he put the small speaker in the middle of the table.

I fiddled around with the gun in my lap. The safety was on, but it was Aurora's. I hadn't heard from Matt in a week. I had no idea what happened to her. I sent some of my greatest spies to infiltrate the Russian and Irish mafia. They were slowly reporting back, but no sign of Aurora. She couldn't be dead. There way no way she was dead. I pinched my eyes shut as I remembered the last time I heard her voice.

If something happens to me, promise me you'll look after them.

I stared at the boys in front of me, feeling the lump in my throat form. I hadn't been able to tell them. I couldn't. I told them if they wanted to talk to her they had to reach out themselves, I just may have took a picture of Matt's phone number and got to it first. Which in hindsight is a bad idea because that is their sister after all. She's just a person? Friend? I don't even know what to call her anymore. The feeling I felt with her wasn't like a friend. I didn't fuck her like she was my friend, I fucked her like she was my drug. My drug that I needed to survive.

Honestly that's how I have felt the past two weeks since she's been gone. I felt like I was craving, I was in need. I never did drugs once before in my life, but I wanted Aurora back here as soon as I could possibly get her here. I needed to touch her, I needed to kiss her, I needed to hear her breathe. I felt like an obsessive boy with a crush.

Please take care of them.

"Are you okay, Capo? You look a bit pale?" Josie said, grabbing a cloth and handing it to me. I pressed it to my face, the beads of sweat slowly went away. The ringing brought me out of my daze and I twirled around the gun on my lap. Her gun.

"Midas Rosso?" I heard a gruff voice come through the speaker and I felt my lips twitch upward.

"Alexander, always good to hear your voice again. I'm sorry that we couldn't meet in person, I know your schedule is quite tight." I spoke, my voice was cold, but I held respect for him. Alexander was one of the main people beside my father that showed me the ropes of the mafia world. He was my first ally, and he has stood by my side, being there to lend a hand whenever I needed one.

"Midas, son, how are you?" He said, lightly chuckling.

"I could be better. We have some things to talk about. I'm ready to cash in that favor." I could hear a pin drop on his side. I told him I would never use that favor. I saved his life, years ago. He was taken, and I tracked him down, taking a bullet for him to save his life. I ended up in a coma and he ran my mafia whilst I was out. He said that he would forever be in my debt, and I brushed him off thinking I would never need his help.

"Anything you need." He said, and I felt my breath hitch as I locked at the people sitting around me at the table.

"I know you and the Irish are at war. Kelly Malone has something- someone, that I want and need back." I spoke and I could hear his chuckle again.

"Did you finally find a woman, Midas? Or did Leo just get himself in trouble again." I heard a few other people laughing on the other line and I knew he had his right hand men with him.. The three men who worked by his side for I don't even know how long. It was like Matteo, Leo, and Josie.

"Her name is Aurora, and Kelly Malone took her from me." I gritted my teeth, as I looked over at the boys who looked like they were having mental battles in their heads.

"The trackers that I had on her stopped working. She's either in a dead zone or something is blocking the connection." I said, looking at the boys who looked down at their hands.

"Kelly has a lot of enemies son, I'm sure if you sent the word out to other mafias they would also love to help." He said, and I made a mental note to check with all of our allies that also hated the Irish.

"Kelly and Vlad are married to each other." I said, dropping the bomb and hearing glass shatter from the other line.

"What!" He yelled and I could feel my heart race.

"It was brought to my attention, and I did some digging and found out that it was true. The Russian mafia and the Irish mafia have secretly joined forces." I could hear Alexander mutter something under his breath but I didn't have the energy to fight with him to figure it out.

"She's special to me, Alexander. I want her back, as soon as possible." I spoke. Alexander was skilled at finding things, finding people. If someone was a ghost, or if a trail was dead he was your go to. He was a skilled person in the mafia world. Everyone wanted to be on his good side, but only a few people ever were. I happen to make the list.

"I'll make sure to bring her to you, Capo. I'm gonna need information and I'm going to need a picture of her. Can you do that for me?" He asked and Matteo snapped, drawing my attention to show me the pre-written email.

"It's being faxed over as we speak." I said, silence taking over the call.

"I know this is you asking for my help, but I want to ask you for something whilst I have you on the phone." He said, and I could hear the unwavering emotions in his voice.

"Anything." I said, looking at the three boys. They would be cashing this debt for me.

"When the time comes, I'm going to need your help taking down Kelly. I won't be able to just do it by myself. I'm going to need as much help as we can get." I felt a smirk appear on my face as I stared at the door.

"As long as I get a turn to make her pay for what she did to Aurora." I clenched my jaw.

Midas, it hurts.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my emotions as a million thoughts swarmed my head. I would make Kelly pay for everything that shes done to Aurora.

"I can come to terms with that." He said, and I almost smiled at the thought.

"Will I be seeing you at the mafia ball?" I asked and heard him hum.

"No. I will be getting started on this for you right away. I cannot be in the same room as a bunch of those traitors." He seethed and I shook my head. This is always how he's been. He's never shown up to a mafia ball.

"I will be in touch, Alexander." I said, and I heard him chuckle.

"I will be in touch, Midas. I'll let you know when I know anything about your Aurora." My Aurora. It sounded so good coming from someone else's mouth. I couldn't deny any of the chemistry that was between us. It was so thick, and unbearable.

"Well that went well." D'Angelo said, and I noticed how he was the talker out of the brothers. Yomar talked, but not as much as he did, and I rarely heard Abu speak more than a few words.

"Now we wait." I said, leaning back in my chair as I stared at the six people around the room. The chair on my left was completely empty, and I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness rush over me. I couldn't deny that I was missing her like crazy.

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