Chapter Twenty-Nine

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For gold and rust, for diamonds and dust
I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun
- OneRepublic

~ Midas ~

I stood in the kitchen. Abu, Yomar, and Dlo were staring at me. Matteo and Leo were sitting on the stools, laughing their asses off. I punched the bridge of my nose, looking at the three men in front of me.

"What's taking you so long, hit me with it already." I groaned, closing my eyes. I'm wearing a black button up, with black slacks. My hair was curly nicely today, and my jewelry was all in its respective spot. Yomar and Abu glared at me while Dlo bounced around happily.

"Propose! I want you to be my brother in law!" Dlo said, shaking my back and forth with his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm not proposing." I grunted, making him stop moving me around.

"Oh, so you don't want to marry my sister?" Yomar said, raising his eyebrow.

"I didn't mean it like that. This is our first date, which is not the time to propose." I spoke, narrowing my eyes at Dlo. Such a little shit he is.

"If you so much of as look at her the wrong way, I'll fucking kill you." Abu spoke, and I straightened my back. That's the most I have ever heard him speak, and he was threatening me.

"I want her home no later than eleven." Yomar crossed his arms, looking at me.

"No kissing, no holding hands, no touching, no sex, nothing. All you do is eat, you know what, don't even talk to her!" Yomar exclaimed and Abu nodded his head in agreement.

"Guys, they already have done all of that! Let them live." Dlo groaned and I nodded.

"For once I agree with him." I said, and he jumped up and down.

"Finally someone does!" He yelled with happiness. I heard the hells click down the hall, and footsteps with them. The doors opened and Aurora walked into the room. She carried herself with such confidence, and power. I stared at her, feeling my mouth go dry.

"Don't do drugs! Don't drink and drive, and do not forget to use a condom!" Josie yelled, before Abu and Yomar jumped in front of Aurora.

"Bad rules!" Abu growled, and Josie rolled her eyes.

"You're only saying that because I didn't tell her not to have sex. News flash babe, they already have." Josie said, pushing Abu away from her and back towards Dlo. Matteo chuckled, Abu giving him a glare.

"To be fair, I think they should not use a condom and start making babies now." Dlo said, grabbing a carton of juice from the fridge. I coughed, choking on my own spit.

"Don't make me lock your ass in your room." Yomar spoke coldly, looking directly at his younger brother.

"Be safe. Take your gun and shoot him if you need to. Call me if there is a problem, and don't forget-"

"Be Home by eleven, I got it." Aurora cut off Yomar. My eyes trailed down her body. The black dress hugged her perfectly, framing her ass and lifting her boobs. Some of her tattoos were on display, and others weren't. I looked at her natural curls, her eyes were glowing, and she still was wearing my chain and ring. As much as I wanted to say that I owned her, there was no denying that she owned me. Every single inch of me.

"Are you ready?" I asked, looking at my watch. She had a good time, she wasn't taking long to get ready which surprised me, but nonetheless, she was still as breathtaking as the first day I met her.

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