Chapter Thirty-Three

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Te amo y te extraño quiero verte junto a mí
Abrazados de las manos y estar junto a ti
- Xtreme

~ Midas ~

The world is full of beautiful things. Laughter, happiness, and people to care about deeply. The heart is an absence minded thing. Everyone forgets that it's there, but it's the only thing keeping you alive. It beats in your chest, keeping your blood flowing. Without your heart beating, you die. Dying is one of those not so beautiful things. It brings pain and sorrow to the people around you.

Your body can be deprived of oxygen for thirty to one hundred and eighty seconds. It's been one hundred and fifty-four seconds. Aurora's body laid on the hospital bed. They cut half of her dress off, almost instantly fishing the bullet out of her stomach.

"We need O-Negative!" One of the doctors yelled, and Alexander ripped off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his button up.

"Fucking take it!" He growled, sitting down on a chair.

"Sir we can't. We need to test it-"

"I'm her father! Fucking take it." He yelled, and the nurses nodded their heads quickly. They poked the needle into his arm, starting the blood transfusion. Aurora's face was pale, and they started doing chest compressions.

"No pulse!" Another nurse yelled, and I could hear my heart beating as I stood there, her blood all over me. My body was frozen in place, Matteo and Leo grabbed me, pulling me back to stand against the wall with them. I couldn't even fight it, the blood was all over my hands.

"Get him in a wheelchair! We need to go to the OR!" And then they dragged Aurora and Alexander out of the room. The room was silent, too silent. My hands shook, and I felt the bile rising up my throat. I ran over to the trash, throwing up. I felt a hand on my back, and I couldn't even fight the touch.

"She's gonna be okay." Yomar said, patting my back. I felt the sweat bead on my forehead, and I could feel my whole body shake. I needed to be strong, I needed to stop all of this. I needed to breathe. The tears ran down my face, and I leaned against the wall. My hands were covered in her blood. My arms, covered in her blood. I felt like my soul was covered in her blood.

I've never experienced pain quite like this before. Having something that you love so much, something that your so fond of, ripped away from you, without a second thought. I sat against the wall for what felt like hours, staring at the boys in front of me. Yomar stayed by my side, and the other two were sitting with their fathers. Fathers... They are the children of Spanish mafia men. Powerful, experienced, and dangerous men.

"Midas, son, you should eat something." Alexander said, sliding down the wall next to me. I stared blankly at the world in front of me, hoping to hear something, hoping to see her come waltzing in. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I looked to face Alexander. My girlfriend's father. My girlfriend's father is the leader of the Spanish mafia. My girlfriend is a mafia princess.

"Not hungry." I muttered, fiddling with my bracelets like she always did. I laid my head against the wall and looked up at the ceiling before closing my eyes. My hair was a mess, and my body was slowly giving into the exhaustion. I knew that if I kept my eyes closed for too long, I would be asleep.

"Thank you for looking out for her." I heard him speak low so that nobody could hear him.

"You shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking those boys." I said, opening my eyes and looking at his. His eyes were identical to Aurora's making me feel my eyes become glossy. I wouldn't be able to live if I could never look into those eyes of hers again, touch her hair, or breathe her in like an intoxicating drug.

"None of this would've happened unless you called me to find her. When I found that guy on top of her, I wanted to kill him, but I thought you would have more motive. If I would've known, I would've done a lot worse than kill him." His voice was soft spoken, in a fatherly tone almost.

"You saved my life all those years ago, and you saved my daughter's life too. I can never repay you for the things that you have done for me." I saw tears form in his eyes, and I froze. For the first time ever I was seeing Alexander Garcia, cry.

"You can." I spoke, looking down at my hands.

"I want to marry your daughter, when she gets better." I cracked my knuckles nervously. When she gets better. If she gets better. There could be a high chance that she could not recover from this. There is a high chance that the doctor will come out of that room and say that she's dead.

"You have my blessing, Midas." He whispered, the tears pouring down his face. He pulled me closer to him, and I let him. I needed the comfort. I would call my parents, but they are miles and miles away, enjoying the peace that Italy has to offer them.

"I cant believe I'm dating your daughter out of all women in the world." I muttered, hearing him laugh loudly.

"Aurora Rosso-" The doctor said, and all of our heads shot up.

"Garcia." I corrected, and I felt Alexander squeeze my arm. As much as I wanted her to be a Rosso, she deserved to finally be herself. Alexander deserved to finally hear it too.

"Aurora Garcia. Very well. I'll have them change it." The doctor said, a small smile on her face. We all stood up, and the doors opened wide.

"She's okay. We were able to remove the bullet and patch her up. Alexander was generous enough to donate his blood to help save his daughter's life." The doctor smiled warmly, and I let out a deep breath as they wheeled in her bed. Her body was laying there, and she was sleeping, peacefully hooked up to machines.

"There were some other complications." The doctor spoke, and I grabbed my gun and pointed it at her.

"What complications?" I gritted my teeth before feeling Alexander's hand push down my gun.

"The bullet did in fact hit her uterus. Which now makes chances of Aurora ever having children, extremely low, almost impossible, if you may." My gun fell to the floor, and I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and trying to control myself.

"But the good thing is, that she's alive." I said, opening my eyes, and looking at her body that looked so calm. I walked over to her, slowly, running my thumb down her cheek.

"She's alive, and she should make a good recovery. We want her back for check ups, and she must be cared for properly." I looked back at Alexander, who was looking at me.

"Are we all about to become roommates!" Dlo yelled, back to his normal self.

"Oh my god! I was thinking the same thing!" Dom yelled, and I could now see how similar all of them were to their fathers.

"You're back to normal." Yomar rolled his eyes at Dlo before walking over to the bedside and kissing Aurora's forehead. I interlocked our hands and sat down, laying my head on our interlocked fingers. I closed my eyes, kissing her hand.

"She's so beautiful." Alexander said, pushing her hair from her face.

"Do you not see who she gets it from?" Dom shouted, and everyone laughed.

"Let everyone know that we have found the heir. The first Spanish mafia princess."

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