Neil and Nick ch 4

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NAMASTE dear reader 🙏

Nick waited for the dominant alpha until evening of the same day but there was no sign of him coming back . A small flame of candle that was shining somewhere in his heart was on the verge to extinguish .

He stood up in same dirty clothes and called a taxi to his house. He was heartbroken , and slept without taking meal and medicine in his room .

After that night Nick's mind was severely effected by the betrayal that he faced in his first love.

The omega who used to be talkative, sassy and naughty now hardly replies to someone . And Nick's family also observed these changes in him .

His mother was always tensed for her little omega boy who was definitely hiding something painful from his family. But nick never telled anyone about his suffering.

Days passed after one week

Nick suddenly spotted tall and strong figure of the alpha that he was searching for . He came with a sweet faced omega the same omega that he saw with him very first day .

He was smiling and stroking omegas hair as if he had done nothing unlike nick who was on verge of tears again.
Tears never stopped falling from his eyes from last 1 week .

He immediately went to alpha who was about to get in his car .

"P Neil" nick called in loud confident voice making the other party to turn towards the omega.

Neil's eyes widened as he saw the omega standing infront of him who he was deliberately ignoring .

"What ?" Neil asked dryly as if he don't know anything about nick.

"Why didn't you came back that day ?" Nick asked looking in Neil's eyes in search of his answer, hoping of what he was thinking must be wrong.

But his fear converted into reality when Neil smirked and laughed looking at him.

"Why do you think I will come back to you ?" Neil said looking at nick from head to toe in disgust. Nick's heart broke by the look Neil gave him.

"You said in the beginning if I satisfy you then you will become my boyfriend" nick said in trembling voice.

"Huh....haha.....hahaha" Neil laughed loudly "oh sorry, what ? Did you Really believed me ?" Neil asked laughing hard.

Pain was only thing nick felt in heart , mind and body . He never thought he would end up falling in love with someone like him an Asshole.

"If you didn't wanted to be my boyfriend then why did you tricked me and slept with me?" Nick shouted with tears flowing continuously.

"You know what,I didn't wanted to sleep with you but I was highly dopped with alcohol that day. And why are you affected that much isn't it what you wanted from starting" Neil said again.

"It's not what I wanted......I love you Neil I wanted to be your wife from beginning" Neil said sobbing.

"I already Have someone I love and about that night it was a mistake so take it lightly just for fun . I'm sure it's not you haven't done it before with someone else" Neil said in rude manner.

Hearing Neil's harsh words was painful for him . But enough he is not going to beg anymore like every sad drama heroine if he don't want him he will not look for him again.

"Fine..... , I will not bother you again" nick spoke some last words looking in Neil's eyes without any emotion and left him alone .


It was not easy to fight with his own emotions which already developed in him but he have to move on . It's not that Neil rejected him, may be he don't deserve nick . He was unable to see the love and devotion in Nick's eyes or may be he saw but ignored his feelings .

"Why can't he love me nick asked himself looking in mirror. I'm not ugly, am I? . May be the one he loves is more beautiful than me" nick spoke looking at himself In mirror.

"But why did he looked at me like that as if he was disgusted by my appearance" nick thought looking at himself in mirror.

"Nick!!" Came a voice from outside Nick immediately ran outside to the source.

"Yes papa" did you called me ? Nick asked Looking at his father who was sitting with tense expression.

"Why didn't you attended your mathematics class today ?" Nick's Father shouted on him making him starle due to fear.

"Um....papa...I...I was not feeling well" nick said looking down . How can he say that he was thinking about Neil at all that time and feeling sad.

"Don't lie to me you are looking alright" his father said in fierce voice. "I'm not lying papa I'm Really not feeling well" nick tried to explain.

But his father never trusted him . He thought of him as a useless person who is just wastage of their money . sometimes he wanted to runaway somewhere very far.

But Nick's only reason to stay here Is his mother who he loves more than his life and she also loves him soo much or in other words may be only she loves him in this world.

Without any further argument nick went back to his room and lay downed on his bed thinking about the things that happened to him last few days may its his destiny to suffer like this .

He looked at the ceiling of his room for some time and fell asleep which was temporary way of escaping harsh reality.

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