The Signs at the Beach

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A/N: Due to request  I have chosen to swap genders for Pisces and Aquarius. So now Aquarius  is a girl and Pisces is as boy.

All twelve zodiac signs were on vacation and they decided to go to the beach. Capricorn started setting up all of the chairs, umbrellas, and towels. No one helped her.

"Sheesh," she muttered under her breath while laying a towel on the ground."I could use a little help." 

"Did you say you needed help?" a voice asks. Capricorn looks up and sees Virgo. He tilts his head to the side. 

Capricorn shrugs. "Sure. Everyone else deserted me." She looks around and sees all the other zodiac signs having fun. Pisces and Aquarius were splashing in the water. Scorpio was pushing Cancer into the water. She didn't see Libra; she was probably flirting with some beach boys. Leo and Gemini were giving each other piggybacks across the sand and/or wrestling. Aries and Sagittarius were far away to explore the area. Capricorn could faintly see two little bodies doing flips off of the rock and into the water. 

"Lunatics," she says.

Taurus emerges from where she was dipping her feet into the water."Is it time to eat yet?"

Virgo sneers at her. "Well, we can eat sooner if we get help!" 

Taurus nods and solemnly starts to help. Capricorn notices that Virgo becomes quiet when Taurus is here. The tension increases, and it's too awkward to bear. 

"We'll take it from here, Taurus," she says kindly, shooting Virgo a look. Taurus shrugs and bounds away. 

Virgo doesn't speak as he sets out the food, but he makes sure it's perfect and there are no imperfections. 

"You do that too?" Capricorn asks in amazement.


Capricorn smiles. She's not the only one that's a perfectionist. 

Meanwhile, Aquarius and Pisces swam further and further out.

" This is fun Pisces, " Aquarius says, splashing her friend.

"You bet!" Pisces laughs, swimming a  bit too far. Without  warning,  Pisces  goes down and below the waves.

"HEEELLLP-" His  screams were  muffled as his head dips below the waves.

"PISCES!?" Aquarius cries, trying to find her friend. Immediately she dives down into the water. All she could see are rocks and blue.  Frantically she searches for  Pisces before  she realizes that she  can't swim. Her lungs begin to burn, but  she's  determined to try.  

Before long, though, everything  starts to fade away, and just as black begins to cloud Aquarius's vision, a hand grabs her arm and pulls her to the surface.

Aquarius immediately begins coughing up water.  "Who... What?!!! Pisces?"  She turns to see Pisces, now with  wet  hair.

"Didn't you remember I swim on a swim team?" Pisces says with a sigh. "Are you okay? You looked like  you were about to drown."

Aquarius sighed. "I'm okay. Let's head back. I'm starving."

Pisces sends her a final splash  and begins to swim towards the  shore.

After drying off, Aquarius spots Cancer with a glare on her face and Scorpio following her with an evil grin.

"To be fair, though, Cancer, that was a strong push."

"You bet it was!"

Pisces shook his head, turning to where Sagittarius and Aries were arriving. As they drew closer, Pisces knew something was wrong. Sagittarius holds a pained but content expression and is clutching his arm, while Aries has a daring look on her face and blood dripping from a cut on her face. 

"What happened to you guys?" Pisces rushed up to them, worried. 

Sagittarius laughed, and Aries joined them. "Flipping off of rocks and into water is dangerous-"

"Which is why we like it!" Aries cut in. Sagittarius nodded. 

"I hit my arm on a rock," Sagittarius rolled up his sleeve, showing a bright red stain, "while doing a back tuck."

Aries grinned. "And I got this lovely thing while doing a front pike," she says, pointing to her scar on her cheek with pride. "We chose the wrong place to dive."

Sagittarius sighed. "We did. Hey, Aries, wanna go explore the area with me?"

"You bet!" They were out as quickly as they came in. 

Pisces shook his head. They were always on the move. 

Soon afterwards, Libra comes back. "I gave that dude over there my number. He's hot."

"You flirt with everyone," Aquarius chimes in. 

Leo and Gemini were still fighting, but this time it was louder. Groans and battle cries and grunts could be heard all along the beach.


"AS IF!"



Cancer decided to go back into the water in the meantime. She sits on some rocks and dips her feet into the water. She feels calm and peaceful. 

Suddenly, Cancer feels a pinch on her big toe. She lifts her foot out of the water, and to her horror, there's a CRAB!

"AAAHHH!" Cancer cries, hobbling to the shore. "SOMEONE HELP ME GET THIS CRAB OFF!" 

All of the signs looked up in surprise. Sagittarius and Aries burst out of the forest but stop short at the sight of the crab. Leo and Gemini were rolling on the sand in the middle of a wrestling match, but once they saw the crab they picked themselves up and ran.


"But, Cancer, it's your spirit animal," Taurus pointed out. 

Aries stepped closer to Taurus. "How would you like it if a bull came charging full-speed at you, huh? Would you like that?" She met Taurus's eyes with a glare. 

"At least a bull doesn't have pinchers. Or it doesn't head-butt. I can get out of the way of a bull."

"Oh yeah? I bet I can ride a ram."

"As if." 

Cancer wiped the fear tears from her eyes. "Just please get it off."

Capricorn sighed and stepped forward, carefully pulling the crab from Cancer's toe. 

Cancer breathed out in relief. "Thank you, Capricorn!"

"No problem. But what do we do with the crab?" 

Scorpio's eyes focused on the crab. "I'll take care of this," he demands, holding out his hand. 

Capricorn placed it in his outstretched hand with a suspicious look on her face, then scurried towards Virgo. Scorpio then climbed onto the rock where he pushed Cancer, then threw the crab into the ocean as far as he could throw. Scorpio turned to head back to shore, but then he felt arms shove him into the ocean. 

"HEY!" he yells, hitting the water with a loud splash. The water was so cold! After resurfacing, Scorpio looked around frantically to see who pushed him in. Cancer was standing on the ledge of the rock, looking victorious. 

"You!" Scorpio screams, stomping out of the water. Everyone laughed. 

And that was what happened when all of the zodiac signs went to the beach. 

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