The Signs as Things from the "Rhythm Ta" MV by iKON

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I've been wanting to do this one for awhile now, hehe. Y'all are gonna get some iKON spam in this book...there are at least two more coming out very, very soon.

Onwards, to the video! And to the list too lol.

Aries: B.I.'s "AAAYYYYYYEEEEEE" at the beginning LOLOLOL

Taurus: B.I's push ups in the locker room

Gemini: all of the feet about to smash/kick the camera

Cancer: the lil pug that was with Bobby

Leo: Bobby's abs. that is all I have to say.

Virgo: Jinwhan sitting on those speakers

Libra: YunHyeong at 2:28-2:29 like are you okay sir?

Scorpio: the gigantic animatronic dog thing 0-0

Sagittarius: the fancy blue car they're cruisin' around in

Capricorn: Junhoe pushing that guy so he could be in front of the camera he's all like OUTTA MY WAY THIS IS MY LINE DON'T MESS WITH ME AND MY BASKETBALL

Aquarius: the fact that B.I. goes "rhythm tah!" and bobby goes "RHYYYYTHM TAHH!"

Pisces: Bobby going "RAAHHH!"


Sorry for all of the iKON spam. Actually, I'm not.

Again, put all of your MV suggestions in a comment, and I'll take them into consideration. For example I got a request to do Uma Thurman by FOB so I may be doin' that. One day.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

(PS- can we get to 4K soon? hehe...)

-A <3

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