The Signs Getting a Haircut

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Aries: accidentally gets bangs trimmed too short and ends up looking like a kid

Taurus: "Can I have the same style...but shorter?"

Gemini: awed at all of the hair dryers and combs

Cancer: gets the ends trimmed only

Leo: "What colors of hair dye do you have?"

Virgo: is the hairdresser

Libra: "Layers, please."

Scorpio: secretly hoping that the hairdresser doesn't notice that they didn't wash their hair before this

Sagittarius: starts to regret all life decisions as soon as they see scissors

Capricorn: awkwardly sitting in silence and not making any conversation

Aquarius: annoyed at all of the hair falling onto their face (and phone)

Pisces: silently screaming in pain as the hairdresser untangles their hair 

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