The Signs as Fall Things

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Aries: oversized sweaters/sweatshirts

Taurus: huge blankets that you wrap yourself up in to keep warm

Gemini: pumpkin everything

Cancer: chunky scarves

Leo: anticipation for Halloween and Thanksgiving

Virgo: cool breezes that make your cheeks feel numb

Libra: bubbly apple cider

Scorpio: when the days get shorter and shorter

Sagittarius: crunchy leaves that make a satisfying sound when you step on them

Capricorn: when the leaves on trees change color

Aquarius: the overall "rustic" feel that fall brings

Pisces: Apple picking

The fall season is here! And I'm here too! I'm really sorry I don't update often anymore. I have very little time/inspiration because of school. I'll try to update as often as I can, but things like story updates and stuff might be rare...
But I do hope you stick around. I can't believe this book is almost at 50K!!! I can't believe it omg. Thank you so much!

-A <3

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