The Signs During a 3-Day Weekend

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Does their homework the first night: Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo

Crams on the last night: Aries, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius

PARTY TIME!: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Pisces

Lol naw let's stay home and watch YouTube: Aries (lol), Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus

Does something productive: Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo

LOL WHAT'S PRODUCTIVITY?: Capricorn, Libra, Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces


Hey y'all! Hope you liked that update. Honestly I only did one of the things I have for homework. Yeah, yeah, call me a bad student, go ahead. 

Are you guys excited for the Super Bowl tomorrow? I'm sure I'm not! (lol in it for the commercials...actually not even for that. I'm just gonna spend Super Bowl Sunday on the couch watching YouTube and stuff). I could do "The Signs During the Super Bowl" if you want!

Also, my school is having the Valentine's Day Dance soon. I could do an update based off of that. How bout it?

Well, drop a comment or something. I'll be sure to consider!

-A <3

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