TSA: Horrible Water Puns

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Before I go into this, these were made by my friends when we were made at a speech competition. I didn't make any of these. (low-key glad I didn't lmao)

Aries: My grades are sinking faster than the Titanic 

Taurus: Are you shore

Gemini: My grades are below sea level (get it...cause "C" level and sea level OHH)

Cancer: You will beg for Merced (get it...cause mercy...and Lake Merced...haha)

Leo: You should feel gullty 

Virgo: There is a pondering in my soul

Libra: Is it too late now to say shorey


Sagittarius: It's too late to pondegize 

Capricorn: You're a beach (I don't think I have to explain this one)

Aquarius: SEA YOU LATER (this one is so bad)

Pisces: Cry me a river

BONUS (not a pun): 

"She was dancing Shakira so I looked her in the eye and said 'Hoe.'" 

You're welcome.

Zodiac AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora