The Signs As Things From the "Stop Stop It" MV by Got7

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To celebrate the fact that the "Stop Stop It" MV has been out for a WHOLE YEAR (well...technically it came out the 16th but I wanted to get this out early) *cue gif of JB falling backwards* I decided to do another "The Signs as things from ___ MV" since I loved doing the "If You Do" one. Hehe. 

I shall watch it again for research purposes. 

Aries: Mark's line: "I'm a good boy" + Mark's headphones they are so pretty, both the headphones and Mark


Gemini: Jackson's eyebrows

Cancer: Yugyeom and Junior's hair 

Leo: Bam Bam's light-up skateboard

Virgo: blonde Youngjae

Libra: Jackson at 2:38 for all you Jackson biases out there

Scorpio: Dayhun (the girl lol- she's from Twice)

Sagittarius: the flying cars 

Capricorn: the body rolls...all the body rolls... you're welcome

Aquarius: the math equations on the ceilings yay math woo (note sarcasm)

Pisces: JB's falling scene when I watched this for the first time I got so scared


I'm so proud of Got7. Proud IGot7/aghase (let's all pretend I spelled that right) since summertime. I still remember the day I first watched this video. I was in a Skype call and the person I was calling was telling me the plot about it so I wouldn't be confused. I was still confused. I knew none of their names or what to make of the video at all. 

Obviously that's changed, ahaha. Now I can tell them apart in like, a second, and I even know some of the lyrics to their songs. I'm really proud of them; they're so hardworking, friendly, and close. Not to mention weird. Even though I wasn't an IGot7 since their debut, I'm supporting them from now on. I love them so much. Got7 Fighting! 

Also, which other MVs should I do? I'm making plans for iKON but what else? Hmm....(also please no 1D or anything like that oh gosh) 

*cue Leo from VIXX* Fighting....

-A <3 (ps: ooh I wonder when I can do 'A' lol. I think the next MV is GGG lol yay I'mma have so much fun on that one)

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