Quick Author's Note!

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Hi guys! Wow, this book is growing up! I never thought it would get this many reads so quickly. I want to thank you guys so much, it means so much.

Also, I didn't realize how many requests I have to do, a lot of them being sign x sign! Whoops, I sorta lost track! Haha, I'm glad people want to see these things and that my first one wasn't a total flop!

Alas, I have a problem. My computer is currently not working. The only thing it can do is turn off and when I turn it on there is an error page. I'm typing this out on an iPad and it's not the most comfortable thing in the world. So unless I can get my hands on my brother's keyboard, the updates might be a little bit slower (as if they weren't slow already) but I'll try my best. To be honest I'm a little worried because so many people requested and I'm afraid to let you guys down! But thanks to the new readers and old ones for sticking with this book.

-A <3

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