The Signs Packing for a Summer Trip

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Aries: busy downloading new music before the trip, panicking because they have no idea how to pack


Gemini: out shopping for new clothes, finds some pretty flip-flops

Cancer: screaming because they're excited for summer and fun times and vacation! (and somehow rocks like all their outfits how even)

Leo: watching some "Airport Outfit" videos on YouTube, 'cause they still have to look great, even at the airport!

Virgo: lays out all the outfits they're planning to wear way in advance

Libra: has to buy another suitcase 

Scorpio: worried about their battery percentage 24/7 on the plane

Sagittarius: still doesn't know if certain creams and such are considered "liquids"

Capricorn: lowkey doesn't even want to go on the trip, packs halfheartedly anyways

Aquarius: buying a new swimsuit 

Pisces: complaining about how hot the destination is going to be 


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I have like 0 inspo for this...even though I got a request (but it's school related and it's summer so lol). So, please, if you have any requests, please send them in either in the comments (I read them all, don't worry!) or in my inbox!

Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 16K READS! It's not even been a year since I published the first chapter of this book, and this milestone is absolutely unbelievable. Thank you to everyone who's been here since the beginning of the book, and the people who just dropped by! It means the world to me when I see that people read my work; it makes my day!

I am currently brainstorming a book's still in the brainstorm stage, but it's slowly coming together! Hopefully it'll be out soon ^-^

Please vote and comment, thank you! 

-A <3

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