The Signs Baking a Cake

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Suggested by @IShallSurvive

One day, the signs all came together to go to a baking class. They were making cakes. 

Libra was super excited. She was putting the finishing touches on her strawberry shortcake. "This is super yummy, don't you think guys? Not too much frosting or cake. Lots of sprinkles though!"

"That looks good Libra," Leo said, standing proud next to his double-chocolate cake. "If I liked strawberries. But who has time for nutrition when eating cake? CHOCOLATE!" He smirks. "This cake almost looks as good as me!" 

"Be quiet Leo!" Virgo says as he smooths frosting over his cake, then steps back to look at it, then starts again. "This has to be perfect!" 

Gemini laughed. "Hah, you guys are so unoriginal. I'm making cake pops." He puts the finishing touches on his mocha cake pops and sets them on a foam block to admire. "Um, Scorpio? What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to caramelize the sugar on my cake, what do you think?" Scorpio glares at Gemini while holding a blow torch. "It's not doing it! It's just burning the darn cake!" His eyes turn dark and he burns the whole cake on purpose. 

"Stop it, Scorpio!" Capricorn cries, hunched over her fondant flowers and sugar sculptures. "Don't melt my sugar!" She carefully places her flowers and sugar sculptures to make it look like a garden.

Aquarius doesn't even bother with making it look fancy. She just ices the cake and slices a slice out of the cake. Then she ices the exposed edges and adds a minimalist border. "There," she says, completing her cake before everyone else. "What else should I put?" 

"Here, Aquarius, let me help you." Pisces helps Aquarius put decorations and symbols all over her cake. Pisces's cake is already covered with writing and symbols and drawings. Pisces didn't care much for the baking. He loved decorating more.

Cancer was getting flustered because Taurus keeps taking all of the icing bags. "Can I use them after you, please, Taurus?" she says, pretty annoyed. 

"Sure," Taurus says, squeezing a ton of blue frosting on top of the cake. "Just as soon as I finish."

"But there will barely be any left!" Cancer protests, crossing her arms.

"Sorry, I'll try to save a bit," Taurus says, leaving a few squirts of blue for Cancer to use. Cancer scowls and makes a heart on top of her cake.

In the meanwhile, Sagittarius is hunched over his batter bowl. No one noticed that he didn't put his cake into the oven. He wanted to eat the batter. 

Aries walked over to him. "Where's your cake?"

Sagittarius grinned proudly, a batter mustache showing around his mouth. "I ate the cake batter. It was so good."

Aries's eyes widened. "Dude, you know that there were raw eggs in the batter?"


"You can get sick from that. Salmonella. Other diseases I don't know. Who knows what bacteria could be in that egg?"

Sagittarius threw the batter bowl into the trash can and ran out of the room, looking terrified for his life. 

Aries laughed. 

"Hey, Aries," Capricorn says, looking up from her work. "Where's your cake?"

"Me, making cake?" Aries scoffs, washing out Sagittarius's bowl. "I made a pie. Key lime pie. All of you need to step to my level!"


Okay, what was that. 

Sorry, the Aries thing at the end was pretty biased because I'm an Aries. I'm more of a pie person. 

Anyways, thank you to @IShallSurvive for the idea. I'll do another cooking story with other food.

Anyways, yay WP productivity! 

-Anna <3

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