The Signs at School

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Capricorn walks into science class a bit late. Mr. Starr is talking about the times when he went to school, and didn't even notice Capricorn's lateness, so she just sits down. Her seat is right next to Libra. Libra turns to her and begins to talk about how Gemini is really hot. Gemini, on the other hand, is bickering with Cancer. 

"You stole my markers, Gem!" Cancer whines, trying to grab the purple coloring tool out of his hand.

Gemini snickered. "You should get some new markers. Like, look. They're running out of ink." He shows her how there's nothing left. "Oh, actually there's a sale at Target! One time at Target I..." He rambles on and on. 

"Now, who in this class can tell me what a quasar is?" Mr. Starr asks the class.

"OOH OOH!" Virgo says, raising his hand. "A quasar is the most energetic of it's kind in a family of active galactic nuclei." He smirks, knowing he has it right.

"Correct!" Mr. Starr grins. Virgo is his star student, the teacher's pet. Virgo definitely knows it.

Leo yawns. "This class is so boring." He leans on his hand and listens to music. Before class he threaded his earphones through his clothes. "I have better things to do."

Taurus says nothing. She was able to sneak her phone into class in her pencil case and is now scrolling through Tumblr. Suddenly she starts to laugh silently, making Leo really annoyed.

"Shut up Taurus!" he whispers, taking his head off of his hands.

Taurus shows him her phone. "Leo look at this! It's so funny!"

"Oh my gosh." Now Leo starts to laugh.

In the meanwhile, Sagittarius and Aquarius are debating whether the Illuminati is real. "AQUARIUS!" Sagittarius protested, "There is proof that the Illuminati exists! There are video clips of people saying 'Illuminati!'" Sagittarius is a well-known conspiracy believer. 

"You're crazy!" Aquarius protested. On the other hand, she's hard to convince. "The Illuminati WAS real, but the thought of them taking over the whole world is absolutely ridiculous!"

"Aquarius, Sagittarius," Mr. Starr warns, putting his hand on his hips. 

Their eyes grew wide. "Sorry, Mr. Starr."

Scorpio and Pisces are playing Kiss Marry Kill in the back of the room. "Hmm..." Scorpio thinks. "Taurus, Libra, Aquarius."

Pisces thinks for a moment. "Hmm. Kill Libra, Kiss Taurus, Marry Aquarius."

"Cool," Scorpio says. 

"And for you... Aries, Capricorn, Cancer." Pisces grins.

Scorpio puts his hand on his chin. "Kill Capricorn, Kiss Aries, Marry Cancer."


Aries was alone in the very back of the classroom. Normally she sat with whoever, but they all seemed to be occupied. She wished she had someone to talk to. 

"I'm bored," she whines, scribbling in her notebook. "I'm so bored. So so bored."

Suddenly Aquarius emerges. "Hey Aries," she says, taking a seat next to her.

"'Sup Aqua," Aries replies, laying back in her seat. 

Aquarius snorts. "Sagittarius is so annoying. He's trying to push his conspiracy theories on me."

"That jerk."

Aquarius smirks. "Hey, let's go to the mall later."

"YES." Aries smirks back. "Truth or Dare with strangers is calling."

"Aries, you like that game way too much."

Aries raises up her arms in surrender. "Sorry! It's fun!"

Then the bell rang. "Class is dismissed, students. Don't forget to do your homework and your project."

"DONE AND DONE!" both Virgo and Capricorn shout out suddenly.

"We have homework?" Sagittarius snorts. Scorpio scowls. 

And that is what happened when all the signs went to class. 


Another one of those "What the heck did I just write?" chapters. 

-Anna <3 

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