The Signs at the Mall

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Aries: gets dared to flirt with a random stranger and does it; does cartwheels in the mall

Taurus: hangs out at Hot Topic; listens to music

Gemini: still stuck at Panda Express figuring out what they want

Cancer: takes more than one sample when it says "ONE SAMPLE ONLY"

Leo: strutting their stuff at Forever 21

Virgo: secretly jealous of Leo and goes to try on some new skirts

Libra: staring at the cute guy at the front of the store

Scorpio: yelling at Sagittarius to stop and going to hang out at Hot Topic with Taurus

Sagittarius: trying to run up the escalator that goes down and failing miserably

Capricorn: trying to figure out if that sweater is too expensive for their budget

Aquarius: running past the product booths set up in the store

Pisces: texting the whole time


If you want more of a story type of update, just ask! I'd love to. I just felt lazy right now. 

Honestly, I'm probably all of these. But cartwheels in the mall are so fun!

I've always wanted to run up an escalator that goes's like on my bucket list.

Okay I'll go now.


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