Real-Life Signs

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These are the characteristics of the people I know from each sign. I couldn't think of a good title, sorry. 

ARIES #1: Loud, annoying, obnoxious. Gossiper. Likes soccer. Not emotional at all. Annoys me. 

ARIES#2: Pessimist, very negative. Says they want something but doesn't go for it. REALLY likes attention. Fangirl. When they love, they LOVE. Has a tendency to go from person to person. Professional stalker. Loves to hike. 

TAURUS: Obsessed with music. Kind of two-sided, but is insanely nice. Hilarious dark jokes. Really likes Hot Topic and hates Forever 21. 

GEMINI: Really funny. Has a really dark side, though. Hates school immensely. 

CANCER #1: Not the stereotypical Cancer. Doesn't cry often, but is often stuck in a phase between sadness and anger. Rants often. Likes to block me out. Really good with problems. 

CANCER #2: Likes ice cream alot. Down-to-earth and really friendly. Tries to stay up all night but fails. 

LEO: Funny, extroverted, and crazy. Is an awesome friend and has a good voice. Not taken very seriously, but who cares?

VIRGO #1: Likes everything to be perfect, criticizes if it's not. JUDGMENTAL. If they don't like it, they'll make sure that you know they don't like it. Doesn't keep secrets. Has a rare soft side. Nothing ever seems personal.

VIRGO #2: Gets jealous super easily. Gossiper. Tries to be a bad girl but isn't. Likes Forever 21. 

VIRGO #3: Doesn't pry into life. Totally supportive, has an interesting taste in music. Knows a bit too much about random stuff. Gets sidetracked way too easily. 

LIBRA #1: Thinks everyone likes them/looks at them. Flirty. A bit rough and popular. Good dancer/singer. Super helpful in awkward situations.. 

LIBRA #2: Great singer. Plays agario. That one person who runs around with their phone. Is an ambivert. Loves food. 

LIBRA #3: Loves attention. Likes food. Can act really weird in an attempt to be funny. Is pretty street smart and up-to-date with the latest technology. Can be really generous. 

SCORPIO: Great at volleyball, swimming, and sports in general. Likes to read and write. Likes to talk about themselves. Secretive...but outgoing. Still secretive..

SAGITTARIUS: VERY secretive except with their friends. Stares at everyone. Really funny and cool. Manages to get away with some weird stuff. 

CAPRICORN: Perfectionist. Turns in everything early and gets perfect scores. Head over heart, often uses intellect over soul choice. Uses interpretation over real fact. Likes to fangirl. 

AQUARIUS: Likes school alot. Really good at math. Hates science. Gets straight A's.  Is into sports, especially basketball and volleyball. Can't do a cartwheel to save their life. Often gets chased. Fangirls and likes One Direction. (you know who you are...)

PISCES: Likes drawing and swimming. Daydreamer. Constantly sad/in a sad state. Seems to be searching for something or someone all the time.  LOVES MUSIC. Likes boba and Filipino food. Confused. 

So that is the description of people I know with that Zodiac sign! And I realized I forgot Capricorn...Hang on...

Okay Capricorn's there now. Sorry if I offended anyone who I mentioned in here. Well, you probably know who you are. 

Anyways I'm not supposed to be on any electronics right now so I'll go before I get in trouble. 


-Anna <3

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