Sagittarius (M) x Aquarius (F) Love Story

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A/N: This is the first of its kind, so I'm sorry in advance if this doesn't make any sense...ALSO WOW THIS TOOK AWHILE OK THIS MIGHT BE SHORT 

Requested by @rothargent

"Okay, that's enough for today," Aquarius's coach yelled, blowing his whistle. Aquarius breathed a sigh of relief and wiped her forehead. Her basketball coach was getting tougher and tougher as the days go by.

As she collected her basketball, she fumbled around her gym bag for her phone and texted her friend Sagittarius.

A: hey, practice just ended, wanna get Quickly's?

S: i'm down, let's go. i'll be there in 5.

After slinging her gym bag over her shoulder, Aquarius waved goodbye to Capricorn and skipped on over to Quickly's. She pushed the door open and was greeted by the sound of cheery pop music and the chatter of teenagers like herself. Sagittarius was already sitting at the stools and on his phone on the opposite end of the room.

Playfully Aquarius punched him as she slides into a seat next to him. "Hey!" she grinned, setting down her basketball on her lap.

"Yah!" Sagittarius yelped, dropping his phone on the table. "Yo, you scared me!" 

"Hehe, got you!" Aquarius laughed. "Did you order already?"

He nodded. "I got your drink already, too, and food."

Aquarius was shocked. "Oh, thanks man. You didn't have to."

He shook his head. "So, Aqua, how was practice today?"

"Tiring," Aquarius sighed, resting her head on her hand. "Coach made us run eleven laps around the gym and suicides down the court. Every single line."

Sagittarius seethed. "Yikes. Good thing I'm not in basketball. I'd die."

"You sure would, you lazy bum."

"Hey!" he growled playfully. "I bought you your food and your drink. Be nice."

"I don't have to be nice. I'm your friend."

"Friends are nice to each other," he insisted.

Aquarius was about to retaliate, but then their orders were called up. Sagittarius muttered that he would get the food and slid down from the stool. Wistfully Aquarius watched him, her mind wandering off into space, so far so that she didn't notice her basketball roll out of her lap. 

"Aye," a boy's voice says, snapping Aquarius back into reality, "nice ball."

"Yeah, wonder where it came from."

Frantically Aquarius looked down at her lap and saw no basketball there. Quick as a flash, but as calmly as she could, she jumped from her stool and rushed up to the two boys. 

"H-Hi," she stuttered, avoiding eye contact. "Uh, I think that's my basketball..."

The boy's eyebrow flicked upwards. "Oh, is it now?"

"Yes." Aquarius could feel her hands clenching into fists.

The boy noticed this and laughed roughly. "Calm down, I'm not gonna punch you."

"O-Oh." Aquarius released her fists. "But can I have my ball back now?"

"What's your name?" he asked, dodging her question.

She blinked. "Aquarius...?"

"Oh, cool." The boy had a small smirk playing at the edge of his mouth. "I'm Scorpio. This is Leo."

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