The Signs as Things from the "If You Do" MV by Got7

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I just had to do this, okay? It gets catchier the more you listen to it and it's not a bad song- it's actually pretty good. And the music video came out on Monday, so yay. 

I wonder how many of the 3 million views so far are mine... 

I had to rewatch the video so I can make the list hehehehe. 

Nevermind, let's get into the list.

Aries: Mark's sexy-sassy arm move/ the Markson rap - this was beautiful

Taurus: Junior slashing paintings

Gemini: Yugyeom banging on the door

Cancer: the Markson trust fall 

Leo: Bam Bam smashing the heck out of that car- "Bam Bam went bam bam on that car" -Emmie

Virgo: Junior and Jackson's line "Can we go back to the way we were?" ("uri dasi doragal su isseulka") 

Libra: Yugyeom's hopeless looks when he's outside of the door

Scorpio: JB's raging trash can kick- I physically felt something when that happened


Capricorn: Jackson taking off his jacket- hehehe >:D 

Aquarius: Youngjae halfway writing "bitch" on the wall with spray paint and then throwing the can

Pisces: Everyone except Mark crying/screaming in the end

Update (Nov. 15): I changed all of the Mark/Jackson things I put in here to Markson because it felt right to do so. 

This song is pretty good. In a few days I'll say that this is one of the most amazing songs ever in existence so watch out for that. I should go listen to the rest of the album so far. So far one of my top favorites is "Put Your Hands Up", it's really catchy. But I'm not familiar with them all quite yet. I will be soon. I'm also trying to get into other groups- I'm putting EXO and BTS on shuffle and I'll do the same for groups like 2PM. So many groups lol... if you have any song recommendations please say so. 

Just saying: get me into your fandom and I will make constant references, and I mean CONSTANT. Like, one every few minutes. Anyone who knows me personally will know, ahaha.But! Disclaimer! There are fandoms I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT JOIN. IF YOU THREATEN MY LIFE I WON'T JOIN THE FANDOM. ON NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL I JOIN THE FOLLOWING FANDOMS: One Direction (this will never ever ever ever happen okay?), 5 Seconds of Summer, Justin Bieber, and probably more that I can't think of. But bottom line: I'm not joining the 1D fandom. Ever. The only reason why I listened to Drag Me Down is 1) I was forced to- it was playing at a party and 2) Our Last Night posted an awesome cover of it. 

So, yeah. Proud of you, Got7! Fighting! (is this even the right motto...?) 

-A <3 

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