Author Notes

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Thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. I poured so much time and energy into it and fell in love with the characters. I hope you did as well.

I've always wanted to do a spin off on a classic fairytale story and Beauty and the Beast was always a favorite of mine.

I hope it was everything you expected and didn't expect. I'm a sucker for twist endings and nail bitting scenarios.

Again, thank you.

I hope to write more enthralling stories that leave you in your feels, haha! And many more happily ever afters.

I kindly ask that you refrain from duplicating any of the work written here and to refrain from plagiarism. All words written are mine solely and are not for copying. But as an artist and creative, I encourage you to be inspired and forge your own path.

Thank you!

Beastly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now