brothers and pain

21 6 3

" Jin brother , are you free at all today , need advice "
Jin read his message in worried shock , Suga never reached out first,  he hoped him and Teri were OK,  a happy in love Suga was lovely to see . He quickly messaged back that he was available for lunch and arranged for Suga to come to him.
He was busy preparing future videos. They were all having to think about their military duties soon and he was going first. He knew Suga especially worried about the change this would bring.
He got to work and tried not to worry too much about the message .

Suga was feeling at a loss and in the end getting advice seemed like his only option . It had been two days since Teri had recieved her phone call, that night she had made love to him and he had felt her desperation in it.

She had gone to work the next day like normal , but had been ' too busy ' to come home for lunch and last night had feigned a headache and asked him to not come over .

He desperately wanted to help her but couldn't if he didn't know what was wrong.

He showered and got ready to meet Jin, wondering if at all he could help , but hoping that the two of them would be able to figure out what was going.  He was so worried for her.

" whats up brother ?" Jin greeted him with his usual smile and handed him an iced coffee that he'd made ready.

They both sat on the sofa and Suga turned his glass around in his hands not sure where to start.

" erm...I need help finding the owner of a phone number " he said in the end .

It took a moment for Jin to reply,  100s of questions threatened to be asked but in the end he trusted his brother so simply said ,"  I know a man "

Suga looked up in surprise " you do ? How ?"

" remember when I went to work at that gaming company ?" Suga nodded " well let's just say that one of the programmers knows a thing or two about hacking too " he gave a little chuckle " but that's a secret between me and you , give me the number and I'll see what can be done " he paused and then said " do you want to tell me why ?"

Suga had expected this question but didn't feel right talking about Teri behind her back , he felt bad enough already having got the number , so he said " I just want to confirm something first if you don't mind "
Jin reached out and patted his shoulder " no worries brother , what ever you need."

Suga sent over the phone number and sat back to drink his coffee while Jin stood up to make a phone call. A few minutes later he came and sat back down next to Suga  , " its going to cost me an autographed album but it's worth it " he said smiling .

Apparently it could take either a few hours or a couple of days so the two enjoyed a nice lunch together catching up and then Suga left feeling hopeful.


Since the phone call Teri had been on edge . She had become absent-minded at work because she couldn't concentrate , she jumped everytime the phone rang or bleeped and she was getting more and more impatient... maybe she should have just spoken to him and got it out the way , the dread and waiting was almost too much to bear.

Every part of her wanted to run screaming to Suga , she wanted his arms around her to comfort her , but Suga was her bright light,  her beacon of happiness and she didn't want him contaminated with the evil from her past.

She knew she was going to have to deal with him herself and she wondered if she would be strong enough.

She had avoided Suga again , work was over,  and she dressed to go for a jog in the hopes the cool night air would help her.

She left her little apartment and set off at a leisurely pace down the pavement.  She was just rounding a corner when something blocked her way abruptly, she tried to turn but twisted her ankle and she fell down scraping her knee.
Pain shot up her leg and she looked up to see who she had bumped into.

Her blood became like ice , pain forgotten as fear replaced all other thoughts...still sat on the pavement the tall figure of a man bent down . To an outsider they might think he was trying to help her up , but she knew different , and as his face came close enough  for her to see his greasy pores , the tears came despite her best efforts.
Frozen where she sat she waited " well hello again Ri-ri " he said , his acrid , stale alcoholic breath almost making her gag " missed me ?" He asked in a saccharine sweet voice .
She was trembling now , and when she didn't answer he gripped her shoulder in a vice like grip and said " get up ! We need to talk "

She wanted to be brave , she'd learnt self-defence and everything , but this man made her feel like an 8 yr old child again and she just didn't have the strength.

She stood up , placing all her weight on her right foot , but kept her head low...." what do you need " she asked , her voice barely audible.

" I need money and you owe me "

Arguing would only prolong the inevitable so with shaking hands she pulled her wallet out , she didn't have much on her but she pulled out all the notes she had  " I... I...its all I have " she stuttered.  He snatched the money and roughly pushed her away , causing her to stumble but luckily not fall.
With a grumble and a promise to be back he walked off into the shadows , leaving her free to let her legs collapse again under her . She sat in the middle of the desolate street , cradling her knees until she felt strong enough to move. ' you're OK 'she told herself 'it's over , he's gone '

Pain from her twisted ankle and scraped knee was starting to penetrate through the haze of fear making her move eventually.

Slowly she made her way back to her apartment and into the safety of her home. There she let herself cry until she fell asleep .

It wasn't until morning she noticed several missed calls from Suga and then someone knocked on her door...

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