secrets and lies

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Teri stretched and smiled , still half asleep as she realised Sugas arms were still wrapped around her . Never before had she woken up completely naked and for half a second she panicked , but his arms tightened around her waist and she let herself relax .
' He loves me !'  She reminded heraelf ...This thought she embedded in her heart like a little secret .

She felt him move and then a gentle kiss on the back of her neck , shivers went down her spine as he whispered " good morning "

She turned in his arms and snuggled under his chin resting her head on his chest " good morning " she said , a little shy.

Last night had been magical , but with the  light of day , it would be like him seeing her  in 3d .

" stop " Suga said quietly , running his hand up and down her arm gently .
" stop what ?" She asked ..
" over thinking " he said " I can literally feel your heart beat through my body " he chuckled and rolled her over.

Looking down at her naked chest he acknowledged to himself that whilst the scar was not pretty at all it also signified her strength, and as much as the process of receiving the scar still hurt him he wouldn't allow it to cause any more pain for her .

" in case you've forgotten " he said kissing her pale breasts " you are gorgeous , and this .." he kissed her scar " this is just a part of you. This scar is just one part of a whole package that I love , it doesn't define you , "

A tear slipped from the corners of her eyes " thank you " she said .

The following kiss that had gone from gentle to sensual very quickly was interrupted with a phone ringing.  With a groan Suga broke away and apologised as he grabbed his phone .

5 missed calls from Jin ? He looked over at Teri , mouthed sorry again to her and got out of bed . He wrapped his robe around him and answered the phone " brother!" In a slightly over the top happy greeting " give me one minute while I make a cup of coffee " He held the phone to his chest and said " I'm just going to take this and make a drink , would you like one ?" She pouted in a cute way at being left then smiled and nodded.

As soon  as he was sure he was out of ear shot he said " what happened ?"
" Security spotted a suspicious man around the apartment , they didn't approach as per your instructions but he was seen posting something through her letter box. "

Suga swore loudly and then covered his mouth , he looked out the kitchen door , worried Teri had heard . When he felt he was safe to talk again he said " I'll tell you how to get into her place , can you get it for me and see what it is ?"

After giving Jin instructions he hung up and quickly set about  making coffee  teying to calm his thoughts and hinself in the process. He was terrified of what was to come , terrified of how far he'd go to protect someone he loved , but couldnt let her know.

Whilst she waited for Suga to come back she reached for her phone , heart dropping at the sight of a new message from an unrecognised number .
She opened it with trepidation ' I KNOW YOUR SECRET !!'

Well shit what did that mean , she thought to herself,  what secret , the message was all loud and ominous and she had no doubts who it was from but she didn't have any secrets....she deleted the message quickly , turned her phone off  and placed her phone back on the bedside cabinet, just as she heard Sugas slippers slap slap slapping as he walked back towards their room.

It was only as he came into the room a smile on his face that it dawned on her ...Suga was her secret.. he knew about Suga !!!

Struggling to keep the fear off her face she smiled and held her hand out for her coffee , belatedly noticing her hand was shaking slightly,  she hoped he hadn't noticed .

He seemed not to as he sat on the edge of the bed and took a sip of his own hot drink , blowing it slightly before he did.

There was a silence she felt needed filling so she said " what shall we do today ?" In an overly bright voice.

He didn't reply , he was lost in his thoughts since he sat down. She placed her mug on the side and keeping the sheet wrapped around her she scooted up to where he was sitting and waved her hand in front of his face " earth to Suga " she said smiling .
He blinked and focused on her " sorry " he said , he had to stop thinking , he wouldn't know anything until Jin got back to him , he didn't want that man ruining what would potentially be their only alone time for the foreseeable future.

He put his coffee down and before she had time to react he had twisted himself around and she very quickly found herself on her back with him looming over her.

She laughed excitedly and wrapped her arms around his neck. This is what she needed , a distraction , her Suga , her lover .

Both hiding their fears from one another they made love all morning. Scars both physical and emotional almost forgotten under the gentle ministrations of Suga.
  The unwanted txt message put away in the back of her mind , ready to be thought about when she had to....

Afterwards ,not quite brave enough to share a shower ,Teri went first while Suga prepared lunch .

Nothing fancy just some raman and fried eggs , but it would fill a hole. He had just finished plating when his phone buzzed quietly in his pocket.

Wiping his hands on a teatowel he took the phone out and caught sight of Jins name but Teri walked in the kitchen so he quickly put it back in his pocket.

Smiling he dished up the food , he noticed she looked tired and wondered if he hadn't let her sleep enough.

"Shall we stay in this afternoon ?" He asked , "we can snuggle and watch a movie ? "

She nodded enthusiastically,  her mouth full of noodles. As far as she was concerned inside was safer from prying eyes , not just that man. Night time was nice though so she suggested a late evening stroll again.

As soon as lunch was finished he excused himself for a quick shower and suggested she choose a film , saying he wouldn't be long,  then escaped to the bathroom as quickly as possible to read Jins message.

It was a picture message which he opened and then nearly dropped his phone. It was a picture of him. A head shot,  and in red crayon someone had drawn a big red love heart around it and drawn red drops coming from the eyes and the corner of the mouth.
He stared at it , they had all had hate mail , hate online , poor Tae had actually been hurt,  but he'd never taken it too seriously , but this was different , this person was threatening Teri with the threat of hurting him !

He rang Jin " was there anything else ?" He said forgoing the usual greetings .
" no just the picture " Jin replied " we need to tell Bang and the police now , its gone too far "

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