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She stood back up in front of him to give him full access and waited.
He didn't realise at first the magnitude of what she had said , with excited fingers and a hungry smile he started to undo the knot, then he looked up and saw the v of the robe had slipped open and he caught a glimpse of black lace .
In less than a second it dawned on him that his girl was trusting him with her whole body and that both humbled and scared him. He knew the scar wouldn't detract from how much he loved her , but the thought of her being hurt , the pain she must have suffered,  seeing the result of that pain he knew would be hard to see.

Slowly he undid the final knot but kept the robe closed with his hand . He could feel her shaking beneath his touch.
He looked at her face , her eyes were shut .
" babe , you don't have to let me see if you're not ready " he said ,  he didn't want her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with , but she took a deep breath and said " I'm ready "

She was so brave and trusting,  he thought as he slowly let go of the fabric and let the robe slip off her shoulders leaving her stood practically naked in front of him.
He didn't even register the scar at first,  she looked so gorgeous,  so perfect for him . Her slim pale skin contrasting with the dark lace , his body reacted as he gently rand his hands down her sides and behind her arse cheeks. He lent forward and kissed her flat stomach . He needed to brace himself,  he needed to make sure she didn't see the pain on his face when he saw the scar..he kissed her belly button , spattered kisses going up her body.
He could feel her whole body shaking now and he didn't know if it was fear or arousal so he quickly stood up , scooped her up and laid her on the bed , leaning over her as he did.
He saw it then , a big angry jagged scar right in between her breasts , he felt tears prick his eyelids but held them in.

He kissed around her rib cage,  making his way closer and closer to the scar...then he kissed it. He laid gentle , healing , loving kisses from the bottom of the scar to the top.

She squirmed and was clutching at the bedsheets , eyes still tightly shut .." babe " Suga said softly " look at me " She shook her head , she could only do this with her eyes shut , she didn't want to see what she looked like and she was afraid to see the look on his face .

For a moment he was unsure of what to do next , and then he spotted the long mirror stood in the corner of the room.
He got off the bed and this time she did open her eyes , just a peak , panic that he was leaving her , but he took her hand and pulled her off the bed .

He walked her over to the mirror  and stood behind her . " Teri,  open your eyes for me please "
She didnt want to , every part of her screamed to run and hide herself , but this was her Suga , and if she wasn't mistaken her very aroused Suga .

She opened her eyes to see the two of them reflected back at them in the mirror. She kept her eyes on his.
" you are beautiful " he said , his voice breathy and erotic " I find you so sexy , regardless of what you're wearing. But i must say I am a fan of your currwbt outfit. .." he kissed her just behind her ear and she gasped .
From behind he trailed his fingers from her collar bone  and over one of her breasts and down her stomach before slipping his hand inside the tiny black triangle of lace .
She squirmed against his hand and arched her back so she could feel him pressing up against her " open your eyes Teri " he said , his voice deep with hunger " see what you do to me , see how perfect you look right now "
She opened her eyes and stared at herself , barely recognising the women she saw. A women who face was filled with desire and need , who's slim body looked like something out of a fashion magazine , the scar was there but it didn't seem as frightening or imposing , because she had a man that loved her still , that clearly desired her , but to not hate her body was so new she felt  confused and caught his eyes in the mirror questioningly  " you are my perfection, you are mine and there is nothing about you that I don't love " he said in reply . Her smile was shy and hopeful,  then the time for talking was gone.

From behind her, he slipped 1 then 2 fingers inside her very wet pussy, rubbing her clit with his thumb as he kissed her neck.

She couldnt think any more , she could barely stand , if not for his other arm wrapped around her she would have collapsed there and then.

Trapped in his embrace , still facing the mirror she felt more beautiful than she had ever before in her life , as his hands worked magic she very quickly felt herself orgasm over his fingers , and a part of her soul that had been so broken started to heal.

As she came down from her high ,  he released her gently and she turned and caught his mouth in hers.

She felt freer than she had ever felt before as he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

After laying her on the bed he made short work of the thong and ever shorter work of the bra leaving her laying completely naked , for just a moment she wanted to cover up but the look in his eyes hadn't changed and he bent down taking first one nipple in his mouth , then the other.

He spent a long time kissing and nibbling her breasts , which were sensitive to his touch , all coherent thought left her as she surrenderd to his touch.

Making love felt so different she thought a while later as they both lay panting and sated ..

" I love you " he said tenderly as he wrapped his arms around her still naked body and drifted off to sleep just as she whispered  " I love you  " back .
The two of them slept peacefully and soundly,  neither hearing Sugas phone ring or hers . Neither one prepared for the pain of the next morning.

That man had made his move  !

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now