Chapter 3 - The second day

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"So ? How was your first day ? Dit it go well ?" He asked curiously, as he lay down.

"Pretty well. Honestly, I thought it would be worse."

"You'll see, it'll be fine ! Did you make any friends ?"

"Not really."

"I'm here !" He said, slightly hurt.

"Then I made one, yes."

"You seemed to get along well with Newt and Minho, maybe you're their friend too !"

"I'm not sure." I quickly responded. "We should sleep now, Chuck."

He sighed. "Okay, Good night then !"

"Good night, Chuck."

The sunlight gently woke me up, kissing my face. As I turned my head, I saw Chuck still asleep. It didn't take long to notice that everyone else was still sleeping too. They must have been used to the sunrise, it didn't seem to bother them. I got up and let my feet guide me, not really knowing where I was going.

"Already awake ?" A voice called out to me. I turned around and saw Newt.

"The sun got me ! Couldn't sleep anymore."

"You should get some food now. I didn't see you go to eat yesterday. Did you skip all the meals ?" He asked with a kind voice.

"We can say that. I didn't think about going to eat." I replied.

"Don't make a habit of it Greenie. And you don't want to miss Frypan's exploits. Come on, follow me." He invited me to the kitchens.

We didn't wait long in line since very few boys were awake. Once in front of the Cook, he served me pancakes and greeted me.

"Hey Greenie ! Didn't get to see you yesterday, but I'm glad to meet you." He said Kindly.

"My name is Sigmund, but you can just call me Frypan." He smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you, Frypan. I'm Maylin." I smiled back.

Newt and I sat down at a table together. We chatted for a bit when Chuck joined us at the table.

"Ahhhh pancakes !" Said the little boy, taking a big bite.

I chuckled a bit.

"You should've woken me up, Maylin !" He complained.

"I think you wouldn't have liked seeing the sun so early."

"You get a point." He said, taking a bite again.

We continued talking when I saw Minho heading towards a table not far from ours.

"Doesn't he eat with you ?" I asked.

"He hardly ever eats with me, he hates me !" Chuck exclaimed.

"He doesn't hate you, Chuck." Newt interjected.

"Of course he does ! He's always talking down to me !"

"That's because you're always doing some bloody pranks on him. And I'd point out that you don't talk very nicely to him either." He said with a grin on his face.

"Even I noticed it." I said, chuckling.

"Maylin ! You're supposed to be on my side ! I'm your friend, not them !"

"I am, Chuck. Don't worry."

We finished eating and cleared up, then Chuck left to do his work. I noticed that Minho had entered the maze with the other runners shortly after the doors opened. Newt led me to a clearing where animals were present, and a group of boys were working there.

Serendipity - The maze runner, NewtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora