Chapter 31 - Dear diary

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Dear Diary,

Yesterday, I found a piece of the shirt Liam was wearing when he was banished. It was covered in blood. I'm now certain that Liam is dead. I don't know why I needed proof, but in the end, it was somewhat reassuring.
Oh, and Chuck, Isaac and I finally pranked Newt and Minho ! Their reactions when they drank the sock juice were literally hilarious. Minho said he'd get revenge though, and I'm really curious about what he'll do. I think he and Chuck would make a great team, they both have mischievous minds.

See you later,

Maylin <3

Dear Diary,

A week has passed since the last time, and I can assure you that Minho and Newt didn't hold back ! Last night, when I entered my hut, a huge bucket of ice-cold water mixed with grime fell on me. It was disgusting ! At least I didn't have to taste it like they did, but still ! I think we're even now.
On another note, even though I don't like talking about him, I think I'm slowly healing from Liam. Of course, I'll never fully get over it I think, but I've stopped seeing his face above mine every time I close my eyes, which is a good start, I think.


Maylin <3

Dear Diary,

Today, nothing special happened. I explored the maze, like every day, I'm used to it now ! I haven't explored everything yet, but I think I'll have it all mapped out soon. I'm starting to lose a bit of hope, but I keep smiling, there must be an exit !

Goodbye for now,

May <3

Dear Diary,

Today, Newt got mad at Isaac ! I'm so tired of their drama. I've been trying to reconcile them for more than a month, but nothing works, it's like Newt isn't even trying to forgive him. It wasn't that serious, in my opinion. The others managed to forgive Isaac, so I don't understand what's holding Newt back, but he won't explain it to me. I'll keep trying to find out, of course, I'm not easily stopped.

Talk to you later,

Maylin <3

Dear Diary,

Minho and Chuck are unstoppable ! They listened to my advice about trying pranks together, but honestly, I regret ever suggesting it. Minho is really mischievous, it's insane, really. The other day, when I wanted to brush my teeth, they had replaced my toothpaste with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise ! And Chuck just laughed at me along with Minho. I consider it a betrayal. Chuck, you little traitor. I'm supposed to be his partner in crime.


May !

Dear Diary,

Today, I ran with Isaac ! He wasn't feeling very well but didn't want to take a day off, so we figured running with another runner was the best thing to do ! I really enjoyed running with him, I adore Isaac ! He's super funny and kind. By the way, he asked me if I felt better about what Liam did to me. What's funny, well not really, is that he asked me that in the section where I found a piece of his T-shirt. I took the opportunity to talk to him about it, as I hadn't told anyone else. Honestly, I feel better about it now. I don't tremble at the slightest touch from anyone other than Newt, Isaac, Minho, or Chuck. I'm getting used to being around the boys again little by little. I don't really have a choice after all, I'm the only girl here.
I've also been having new dreams. Well, memories, really. But they're becoming less and less clear, just quick and blurry flashes where the same faces keep appearing over and over again. There's always this sentence, repeated in every dream, that I still don't understand. "WICKED is good."

The only girl in the Glade,

May <3

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was Greenie Day ! The Greenie still doesn't remember his name (surprisingly it was NOT a girl..) but it'll probably come back to him in a day or two.
Before the bonfire, I remembered the novel I had seen in the infirmary during my internship with the Med-jacks. Since I wasn't sure what else to do, I grabbed it and started reading it out loud to focus (because of the noise). I didn't notice, but Chuck was behind me, so I read the story for both of us until a small group of Gladers joined us. I read the story to about five boys, I think. It was kind of embarrassing, but honestly, I enjoyed it ! Minho and Isaac were completely drunk, and I didn't know where Newt was, so after reading a few chapters of the novel, I just went to bed.


May <3

Dear Diary,

Today, we played games again with almost all the Gladers, including the new guy ! His name is James. I don't think we'll be great friends, but he's pretty nice.
In the end, since we played often, Alby agreed to make it a routine. Every two weeks, we had a day to play all the games we liked, in addition to our days off ! I really liked this routine. Overall, I was enjoying my life in the Glade, even though I still wanted to get out and free my friends from there.

Catch you later,

Maylin <3

Dear Diary,

It's been 3 months since I've been in the Glade. I'm getting a bit tired of being here. I'd like to have a normal life outside the maze, with my friends.
I'm feeling a bit strange lately. I've lost my appetite, and I'm back to my bad habits of not eating. At least Chuck is happy to have bigger meals, but I don't think Newt is pleased. He's almost constantly asking me to eat and giving me looks that say a lot. He asked me several times what's wrong, but I haven't told him anything. I don't even know myself what's wrong. I keep getting memories, they won't stop. Every single night, as soon as I close my eyes, I see these flashes, these kind of medical room, I hear these voices telling me the same things over and over again, and I see more people with black eyes and veins.. It won't stop, and I can barely sleep anymore. I think it can't go on, I need to talk to someone.. I need to talk to Newt. Besides, something.. weird is happening to me. I don't know what it is, It's weird, I have this sort of strange feeling inside me, like something is missing deep inside me. Something or someone.

Feeling strange,

May <3


Sorry this is short !! It's basically a chapter in order to do a time skip without me adding things without context <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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