Chapter 23 - Greenie day

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Two weeks had passed since the last time. The box was supposed to come up today with a new Greenie. Minho and Gally would finally stop calling me Greenie ! I had left a note in the box asking for a journal and some other things that could be useful for me as a girl, and I sincerely hoped the Creators would grant me my diary.

I still hadn't talked about my dreams to anyone. I hadn't had any other dreams either. Well, I was convinced that these dreams were actually memories, I felt like it was real. I had thought about talking to Newt or even Isaac about them several times, but I held back. However, I really intended to do it. Newt and I had become very close, he was probably the person I spent the most time with in the Glade. I genuinely trusted him, and he was incredibly sweet to me.

I had also become very close to Minho and Isaac. They were kind of like my best friends, along with Newt, although for some reason, it was a bit different with him. Minho was very sarcastic and sassy, but I liked his humor. Isaac was also very kind and funny, I adored them both. Well, I'd never tell Minho that, I wouldn't want to inflate his already oversized ego.

I was also very close to Chuck. I considered him a bit like a little brother, I loved spending time with him. He always managed to cheer me up with his remarks and crazy pranks. I didn't talk to all the Gladers, but I got along quite well with those I spoke to occasionally. Gally, Frypan, Clint, Jeff, and Alby were the ones I got along with the most.

I had been running in the maze every day for these two weeks. The boys had encouraged me to take days off, but I refused. I felt like I had already taken enough time off between my panic attack and my period, I had already taken plenty of rest days.

Upon waking up this morning, I quickly got ready and hurried to the mess hall to join Minho, Isaac, and Newt.

"Hey guys !" I greeted them with a smile.

"You seem particularly happy today Maylin." Isaac remarked.

"It's Greenie Day !!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"You won't be the new one anymore." Newt chuckled.

"Minho and Gally can finally call me by my name." I said with a smirk, glancing at Minho.

"I'll come up with another nickname, milady." Minho replied, also smirking.

We ate in good spirits, and then I headed to the maze with Isaac and Minho. We split up, and I started running. The day passed slowly, but I think it was because I was too impatient for the box to come up. I really hoped my journal would be in there !

Once I finished exploring for the day, I immediately headed towards the box. The boys were already gathered around it, and the dull thud of the box could be heard—it was coming up ! I went near Newt, Minho, and Chuck, who were in the front row.

"I hope it's a girl !" I said enthusiastically.

"Aren't we enough for you ?" Minho asked, pretending to be offended.

"I can't stand spending my days with idiots like you." I laughed.

"Hey !" Chuck exclaimed.

"Except you." I said, smiling at him.

As Minho was about to reply, the box stopped. Gally and Newt opened it. Inside was a boy with light brown hair who looked scared. Unfortunately, it wasn't a girl.

"Well, it's not a girl." Newt said as he entered the box.

"What a surprise." I replied sarcastically.

Gally helped the boy out of the box. Alby then instructed Chuck to show him around the Glade. The group of boys who had gathered to watch the box ascend began to disperse.

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