Chapter 11 - Talented

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"You're okay, Greenie ?" He asked me.

I looked at him with surprise but responded. "I'm good, and you ?"

"Great." A silence settled between us, but he broke it.

"Seems like you want to be a Runner ?"

"Yes, I took the tests yesterday."

"I saw that. You seem to be doing well. We have a gathering this morning to decide your job."

"It's this morning ! I didn't know that. I really hope I get chosen."

He smiled at me, and I returned the smile.

"By the way, thanks for the hut. The guys told me that you and the Builders are going to build one for me."

"I'm glad to do it, no worries."

We continued chatting over lunch. Gally was surprisingly nice to me, nothing like the terrible Gally that Chuck had described. Speaking of Chuck, he had gone to eat with Newt, Minho, Zart, Clint, and Winston. Seeing me with Gally, he probably didn't want to join us for the meal.

After finishing the meal, I got up and joined Chuck to help with the dishes, since I still didn't have a job.

"Why did you go sit with Gally !" He exclaimed.

"He sat at my table !" I chuckled. "You know, he's not as mean as you told me."

He put on a spooky voice, as if telling a horror story on Halloween night.

"That's what you think ! The day he chases you through the block to kill you, you'll see his true face."

I laughed and went back to doing the dishes. Once finished, I left Chuck and headed to the infirmary. I remembered the novel I had seen during my internship with the Med-jacks, and I wanted to borrow it. Upon entering the room, I realized it was just Jeff there. Clint must have been at the gathering with the Keepers.

"Hi Maylin ! Are you injured ? Is something wrong ?" Jeff asked me.

"No, don't worry, everything's fine. I just stopped by." I said with a smile.

Several boys were waiting outside the infirmary door, each with varying degrees of injuries. Jeff sighed at the prospect of being overloaded so early in the morning.

"Do you want some help ?" I asked him.

"If you don't mind, your help would be much appreciated." He replied.

I smiled and we began attending to the boys.
Some came just for minor scratches, but given the conditions in the block, we had to treat them quickly to avoid infections. Other boys came for headaches or stomach aches. I treated them rather easily. The morning passed by quite quickly.

"Well, you're really doing well !" Jeff said to me.

"Thank you !"

Jeff was about to add something else but didn't say anything more. Finally, I left the infirmary and went to join Chuck, Newt and Minho in the cafeteria. I knew the gathering had taken place, and I was dying to finally find out if I was going to be a Runner.

Minho's Pov:

I was with the other Keepers, along with Alby and Newt, in the meeting room. It was time to decide Maylin's job after several days of hesitation.

"So, Minho, tell us everything." Winston prompted.

"Yes, tell us, is she doing well ?" Clint added.

I glanced at Alby, and he gestured for me to speak. I took a deep breath before beginning to recount my story.

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