Chapter 28 - Nightmare and sock juice

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I could feel Liam's hands roaming over my body. I could see his face full of unhealthy desire above mine. I felt his hands on my hips, traveling over my body and resting on my chest. I felt my t-shirt being lifted by his movements, and his hand resting on my bra. I could feel his breath close to me. He was there. He was above me, touching me without my consent. I tried to struggle, but without success.

"Maylin." whispered-yelled a distant voice.

I was crying and trying desperately to scream for him to let go, but it was no use.

"Wake up !" whispered-yelled the same voice.

I felt my shoulders shaken by hands that were not Liam's. My eyes opened wide, and my first instinct was to push away the person holding my shoulders. My breathing was heavy and erratic, I was struggling to breathe. I heard a grunt before the person started talking.

"Maylin, are you okay ?"

The person's hand gently rested on my shoulder. I quickly turned my head to see who it was. Despite the darkness since it was still night, I recognized Newt, sitting on my bed. The events of the previous night came back to me.

"It was a nightmare, Maylin. Everything's okay." He said in a reassuring voice.

I lowered my head, ashamed. "I'm sorry for pushing you."

"It's okay, May. I don't blame you." He replied calmly.

I didn't respond and just tried to calm down and regain a normal breathing pattern. Newt remained silent for a few moments before breaking the silence.

"Do you want to tell me what happened ? Was it another memory ?" He asked.

I hesitated for a moment and then took a breath to answer him. I swallowed before talking.

"It was Liam." I said in a low voice.

Newt took a few seconds before responding, taking my hand.

"It was just a nightmare, love. Liam is gone now."

I finally lifted my head to face him.

"You should try to sleep, Maylin. The night isn't over, and you need to rest."

"I'm sorry for waking you..."

"It's okay. Lie down."He said, pointing to his lap.

"But you won't be able to sleep sitting up ?"

"Don't worry about me."

I didn't respond, and after a few seconds, I rested my head on his knees. Newt ran his hand through my hair, making gentle and soothing movements. These motions relaxed me, and without even realizing it, I fell back asleep.

The daylight finally woke me, what felt like a short moment later but was probably several hours. I noticed my head was still on Newt's lap. I turned my head towards him and saw that he was still sitting on my bed, watching me. When he saw my eyes open, he smiled.

"Hey." He said.

I sat up next to him, my head turned towards his. I observed his face and noticed the visible dark circles under his eyes.

"You didn't sleep ?" I asked, worried.

"I was watching over you." He replied.

"You should have slept, you must be exhausted." I said.

"I'm fine. I'll sleep tonight."

"You'd better."

"Did you sleep well ?" He asked.

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