Chapter 17 - Punishment

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The guards grabbed us roughly by the arms, forcing us to move forward. I looked at the group, they all seemed panicked. We finally stopped outside the boys' room. One of the guards opened the door.

"You, get in. And stay well-behaved here, or it will be even worse." Said the man with brown hair, pointing his finger at Newt.

Newt obeyed and entered the room. I caught his worried gaze.

"Why isn't he coming with us ?" I asked the boy with brown hair next to me.

"I don't know, May." He replied.

The guards then dragged us to a dark room. They forced us down a staircase, leading us to a cold and even darker place. The floor was made of dirt and sand.

"Where are we ?" Asked the young blonde girl.

"I don't know..." Replied Alby.

The guards finally locked us in the room. A screen lit up above us, forcing us to watch. The man with brown hair from earlier appeared on the screen.

"You will understand what can happen to you if you continue your mischief. If you find this funny, then carry on." He said with a sinister smile.

I backed away in fear at his words, my back hitting a wall. I turned around abruptly and was horrified to face a grille, like a prison. A man stood behind it. His eyes were entirely black, as black as the veins visible all over his body. He had a black liquid in his mouth, which he spat onto my shirt. Unable to move from fear, he suddenly reached his hand through the bars, grabbing my wrist and squeezing it violently.

"Ouch !" I cried out.

The boy with brown hair tried to pull me towards him to free me from the monster's grip, but without success.

"Help me !" The brown-haired boy shouted to the others to assist him in freeing me.

As the monster tightened his grip on my wrist, Minho and Alby began pulling me backward. Eventually, they managed to free me.

"Are you okay, May ?" The brown-haired boy asked, holding me in his arms.

"My wrist hurts !" I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

The boy took my wrist in his hand and said nothing. I finally looked at what he was examining. My wrist had turned blue, and blood was seeping out. The monster had pierced my skin with his dirty nails. Black liquid was also present on it.

"What's happening to me ?" I asked in a panic.

"Don't panic, May, you'll be okay, alright ?" The brown-haired boy said, trying to reassure me.

"Hey ! Let us out now ! She's hurt !" Shouted the young blonde girl.

"That's enough, open the door !" Minho shouted, climbing the stairs towards the door.

The door finally opened a few seconds later. The same guards stood before it, although I couldn't tell if they were truly the same because they all wore masks concealing their faces. The guards ushered us out of that dreadful room. One of them grabbed my wrist, and I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Ouch !"

The brown-haired boy turned towards me.

"Don't touch her ! Let her go, she's injured !" He shouted at the guard.

But the guard didn't release me, instead, he tightened his grip. As I cried in pain, the blonde woman from my other dreams entered the room.

"Let her go." She ordered the guard.

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