Chapter 27 - Banishment

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"I understand if you don't want to talk about what happened. I want you to know that I'll always be here for you." He said to me.

I looked at him and felt tears welling up in my eyes. I was tired of crying all the time. I quickly pulled Newt into a hug. He immediately returned the embrace. I held onto him tightly, as if to prevent him from escaping if he had any intention to, even though I knew he didn't, just in case.

"I'm willing to tell you... but not here." I said, my face still against his chest.

He nodded, and we headed towards my hut. We both sat down on my bed. I took a deep breath before telling him what happened. I recounted every detail, starting from the moment Liam had appeared near me in the forest. I told him how he had laid his hands on me and how he had been violent. I also told him that he arrived just in time, before Liam could go further. I told him all of this while sobbing, still feeling Liam's hands on my body.

Newt held me in his arms and remained silent for a few minutes. His silence spoke volumes about what he must have been thinking at that moment.

"I'm going to kill him." He said simply.

I looked up at him but said nothing. He sighed before telling me what happened while I was unconscious.

"Alby sent Liam to the Pit. He spent the night there and is still there now. We discussed what we're going to do with him... I suggested banishing him. We'll decide his fate this afternoon with the other Keeper." He paused. "I really want him banished. He deserves it."

"Are you planning to send him into the maze ?" I asked, panicked.

"It's not just up to me, but yes. He deserves it, Maylin. I know you're a kind soul, but don't have pity for him. He doesn't deserve it."

"But he hasn't been stung. We should not send conscious people into the maze..."

"That's the worst, May. He was conscious. He knew what he was doing and he still did it ! I personally wouldn't have any pity feeding the grievers with this dumb shank." He said, clenching his jaw.

I rested my head back on his shoulder, and he continued to explain what happened.

"When Minho and Isaac returned from the maze and learned what had happened—well, I didn't tell them exactly what I saw, but when they came to see you, you were asleep in the infirmary, and with the marks on your body, they quickly understood...Anyway, when they found out, they confronted Liam. And.. they beat him. Minho gave him a few punches and managed to stop, but Isaac.. He hit him more than a hundred times maybe. Alby had to stop him before he killed him. I swear Maylin, I've never seen someone in such a bloody state. Well I don't know if Isaac is used to do that, even if he has already been a bit violent, it was not like that.." He explained.

Newt's words shocked me. I hadn't thought Isaac capable of doing that for me. I was glad Isaac and Minho cared so much about me. But what did he mean by this violent ?

"Where is he now ?" I asked, wanting to see him.

"Alby had to send him to the other pit to calm down. He's still there too. I must admit that I wanted to join him and hit Liam, but I wanted to watch over you, and I couldn't do that in the pit."

"You're the second in command. You can't just break the rules as if it was nothing." I said.

"It would've been worth it." He stated.

I didn't respond and thought about the situation. Knowing that Isaac had spent the night in the Pit because of me made me feel somewhat guilty.

Newt stayed with me for a good hour. We didn't talk much, but his presence was comforting. However, I felt dirty and had an urgent need to shower. I let Newt know, and as he was about to leave my room to give me privacy, I stopped him.

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