Chapter 20 - Period

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I began running through the corridors of the maze, as usual. I had gotten used to it by now. I was quite familiar with the maze, at least the section I had explored. I still hadn't seen any Grievers, and I must admit, they intrigued me. Minho had described them to me, but seeing them for myself would be a whole different experience, wouldn't it ? However, despite my curiosity, I wasn't eager to meet them anytime soon. I was afraid.

I kept running and eventually arrived at a very tall wall. Something was written on it in red

"World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department."

Great. That was reassuring. I resumed my path, moving away from that wall.

The day passed quickly once again. When I exited the maze, some Gladers were already eating. I thought it was still too early for dinner, so I decided to climb to the top of the tower to observe the sky.

As I gazed intensely at the sky, I heard someone else climbing up. Newt's head finally appeared, and he settled down next to me in silence, also staring at the sky. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, instead, it was rather calming. After a while, I took the initiative to break it.

"Newt ?"

He turned his head to face me.

"Yes ?"

"I'm not sure if this is the right time, but..."

"Mmh ? Tell me, Maylin." He said kindly.

"You really should consider Isaac's apologies... He's a very nice person, and I think you two could get along if you were willing to put your differences aside."

Newt didn't respond immediately, but eventually, he spoke up.

"Has he told you what happened ?"

"Yes, he did."

"And you still think he's a good person ?"

"Well, yes. He was panicking, Newt ! It can happen to anyone to be afraid, and we don't all react the same way."

"And do you think hitting three Gladers and running into the maze is a good way to react ?" He asked, his voice colder than usual.

"I didn't say it was a good way to react. I just said it's natural."

Newt sighed. "We'll see."

"Just know that it would mean a lot to me if you two got along !" I said innocently smiling.

Newt smiled, amused, and let out a chuckle. "Your angelic smile won't make me forgive Isaac."

"You think I have an angelic smile ?" I repeated, a smirk on my face but cheeks slightly blushing.

"Not right now, little devil." Newt replied.

We both laughed, continuing to talk for a while before heading to the kitchen for dinner. Once served by Frypan, we sat down with Alby and Minho. Chuck had already eaten and gone to sleep, exhausted from rising with the sun.

We chatted joyfully and with good spirits. This moment gave me chills. I couldn't say if that was a good thing or not. It felt like I had experienced this kind of moment before, with Minho, Alby, and Newt. I knew I had experienced it in my dreams, but something deep inside me told me that this feeling came from elsewhere, from further away. It was as if my dreams were truly memories.

After dinner, I headed back to my room. I greeted the boys and took a shower. It was already night, and the temperature had dropped. The cold water on my body only made me feel even colder. I endured the cold water and washed myself. Once finished, I put on Newt's long sweater and a light pair of shorts as pajamas. Finally, I settled into my bed and fell asleep shortly after closing my eyes.

The next morning, I woke up with a horrible pain in my stomach. Great. I struggled to get out of bed and was forced to realize that I had stained the sheets. My once-white sheets were now stained with blood. So, I was getting my period even in a place like this? I thought the stress would stop it.

I went to my shelf and grabbed the small box that had been brought with me. I opened it and took out a sanitary pad, which I put on. My stomach continued to hurt terribly, and my head started to ache too. As I was about to remove the sheets from my bed, I felt fatigue overwhelming me. I lay back down on my bed before falling onto the floor and drifting off to sleep.

Newt's Pov:

The maze doors were about to open in ten minutes, and I still hadn't seen Maylin. Maybe she was still asleep. However, as a Runner, she couldn't afford to stay in bed all morning. I headed towards her hut to wake her up, but the door was open. I entered and saw Minho, his face pale.

"What's bloody going on here ?" I shouted at Minho.

"She's bleeding ! She's bleeding everywhere ! Do you think she's dead ?" He said, panicked.

His panicked voice and pale face worried me. I quickly approached Maylin and checked her pulse.

"She's breathing. Where is she bleeding from ? I don't see any blood." I said, looking at Maylin's sleeping face.

"Under her sheets." Minho said.

"You took off her blanket ?! Not very gentleman of you." I retorted.

"I was trying to wake her up !" He defended himself.

I gently pulled back Maylin's blanket. She was wearing my sweater, which made me smile. Once the blanket was beneath her thighs, I noticed a blood stain near the top of her thighs.

"And you're making such a fuss over this ?" I said to Minho, chuckling.

"Well, she's literally bathing in her own blood, so yes !"

"She's not bathing in her blood, Minho. It's just a small stain. She's probably having her period." I announced.

"What do you mean her period ? What are you talking about ?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow. His face had regained its color.

I sighed. "Don't tell me you don't know what periods are, Minho ?" He looked at me, still raising his eyebrow, waiting for me to explain. "Seriously ? They happen about once a month, only to women. They can feel sick and tired when they have them." I explained.

"Ohhhhhh, you mean she's on her ladies days ? She's going to be moody." Minho said, crossing his arms.

"If you prefer to say it that way." I replied, chuckling.

"Go get the Med-jacks, just in case. Then head into the Maze once you've informed them. Maylin probably won't be coming to work today."

Minho nodded and left the hut, leaving me alone with Maylin. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so I didn't want to disturb her. I simply waited for the Med-jacks to arrive, studying every detail of her face.

"What's going on ?" Clint asked as he entered the hut with Jeff.

"I think she's having her period. Her sheets are covered in blood." I replied.

"She looks tired. Let's let her sleep a bit. When she wakes up, she can decide for herself if she wants to work today." Jeff announced.

"But we're not going to let her sleep in dirty sheets, are we ?" I asked the boys.

"No, take her to the infirmary. She can sleep there. A Slopper will take care of cleaning her sheets." Clint replied.

I nodded and carried Maylin in my arms, bridal style. I then took her to the infirmary and gently laid her down on one of the beds. I stood there for a moment, unable to look away. She looked so peaceful. A strand of hair fell across her face, so I decided to tuck it behind her ear. Suddenly, I felt Maylin stir under my touch. Darn it, I had woken her up.


So I wanted to include periods in my story because it actually happens, no matter where you are !

I don't know if this is strange to read, if it is then I may stop, just tell me <3

Serendipity - The maze runner, NewtKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat