Chapter 24 - Truth or Dare

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"Can I start ?" Frypan asked, a bit of excitement in his voice.

"Go ahead !" Replied Minho.

"So, Jeff, truth or dare ?" Asked Frypan.

"Truth." Replied Jeff.

"What was the most embarrassing moment you've experienced as a Med-jack ?"

"Hmm, probably when Zart had diarrhea and you guys asked us to check his butt WITHOUT telling us was he had..." Jeff replied, chuckling.

"We agreed not to talk about that anymore !" Exclaimed Zart, blushing.

"I remember him farting on you !" Intervened Ben, chuckling.

We all laughed, and then it was Zart's turn.

"Minho, truth or dare ?"

"Dare, of course."

"Run a lap around the Glade. Without your shirt on."

"Alright, alright, I know I have nice abs, but I didn't realize you wanted to see them this early in the evening." Minho chuckled.

He took off his shirt, revealing his abs. Well, he wasn't wrong—he really had impressive abs. Then he started running around the Glade. When he returned to us after his lap, we all burst out laughing.

"My turn ! Well... Maylin, truth or dare ?" He asked with a smirk.


"I dare you to sit on Newt's lap for the rest of the game."

I felt my cheeks flush, but thankfully it probably wasn't noticeable since it was dark and we were only illuminated by the firelight. I looked at Newt, who seemed a bit embarrassed.

"Does it bother you, Newt ?" I asked him.

"No, go ahead." He said, indicating his lap.

So I sat on Newt's lap and shifted a bit to get comfortable. Minho laughed unabashedly.

"Alright, my turn then." I said. "Newt, truth or dare ?"


"What's the biggest mistake you've made since arriving at the Glade ?"

Newt thought for a moment.

"Oh, Newt, don't tell me you don't remember !" Frypan teased, chuckling.

"I was thinking ! Hmm, I knocked over Frypan's pot when we were cooking. All the food fell on Alby, who was squatting down looking for salt in the cupboards." He explained, laughing.

We all burst into laughter. Newt leaned closer to whisper something in my ear.

"Could you try not to move so much, May ?" He asked.

"Oh, yes, sorry." I replied, feeling embarrassed. I stopped moving and tried to be as light as possible.

"Sit comfortably, love, I can see you're not putting all your weight." He said.

I nodded and adjusted myself to sit normally. Newt put his arms around my waist.

"Alright, it's my turn now. Ben, truth or dare ?" Newt asked.


"I dare you to sniff Minho's socks." Newt said with a smirk.

"Oh, come on man ? You know that's awful !" Ben replied, trying to elicit pity from Newt.

"Exactly." Newt chuckled.

Ben approached Minho, who had already removed his shoe. He sniffed Minho's foot, and a look of disgust crossed his face.

Serendipity - The maze runner, NewtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora