Chapter 25 - S.A

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⚠️ TW: Sexual assault. If you have ever suffered from it, please don't be ashamed to talk about it if you feel the need. My Dms are open if you need someone to talk to <3


Maylin's Pov:

The next morning, I woke up with the sun, as usual. I got ready and grabbed my bag before heading to the kitchen. Frypan handed me a plate, and I thanked him before joining Minho. Isaac joined us shortly after. We chatted for a bit and then picked up our sandwiches from Frypan before heading towards the Maze.

Once again, nothing new. I probably hadn't explored every corner of the Maze like Minho did, but I was starting to get tired of finding nothing. This thought had been lingering in my mind since late morning, and it had killed my appetite. So, I only ate half of my sandwich. After the day was over, I headed to the map room and noted everything I observed today. Then I went back to my hut to inaugurate my journal.

I settled into my desk chair and took out a pen. I started with a simple cover page, where I wrote "Maylin's diary" and drawn a few small hearts and stars. I then turned the page and began writing.

Dear diary,

My name is Maylin, and I have been trapped in the Maze for a month and a day now. We call the place we live "the Glade" and it's all boys here. At first, I was really bothered by being surrounded by so many boys, but I've made good friends, so I guess I've gotten used to it, although I wouldn't mind if a new girl arrived ! Here, there are several jobs, and I managed to become a Runner !! Every day, I enter the Maze and run through it in hopes of finding an exit. I haven't found anything interesting yet, but I'm sure it will come ! There must be an exit somewhere, and I am determined to find it.


Maylin <3

I closed my diary and went to take a shower. After finishing my shower, I headed to the kitchen to eat. I then joined Chuck, Minho, Newt, and Isaac, who had been sitting there for a little while.

We talked for a while before finishing our meals. Once we were done, I wished the boys good night and headed back to my hut to sleep. The days were starting to feel very repetitive, and even though I enjoyed the company of the boys, I was tired of doing the same thing every day. With these thoughts in mind, I drifted off to sleep.

I was lying on a very uncomfortable bed, bright lights blinding me. The silhouette of a woman was above me.

"WICKED is good, Maylin." Said the woman's voice.

Then suddenly, I saw nothing but blackness. I couldn't see anything.

"Survive Maylin, I beg you." Said a voice that sounded like a boy's.

After that phrase, I woke up suddenly. I hadn't had a dream like that in a while, I hoped it was over. This dream was short. A lot shorter than the others. It was all blurred, nothing was clear. There were only whites flashes and blackness. It was strange. I already had this dream before, on this bed, with this woman repeating that "WICKED is good." However, I don't know what "WICKED" means. But this time, my dream was different from the last. There was this emptiness, this black hole I was in, and the voice of that boy. The voice of that boy was echoing in my head, I'm sure I had heard it before. I thought for a moment before finally remembering where it came from. It was the boy with brown hair present in all my dreams. Did he want me to survive ? But survive what ? Perhaps the Maze ?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and got out of bed. I dressed and left my hut to head towards the kitchen. I wasn't working today because Newt had convinced Alby to force me to take a day off. I grabbed a plate of pancakes from Frypan and sat down with Newt, who was the only one present in the cafeteria. Isaac and Minho were probably already in the Maze. It was too late for them to still be at the Glade, but too early for Chuck to be awake.

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