Chapter 30 - Dead

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Once the meal was over, all the boys left the table, except for Newt. He stared at me for a moment before breaking the silence.

"What was wrong, May ?" He asked, worried.

"Everything's fine." I replied quickly.

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying."

"I know you're lying."

I sighed. "How can you tell so easily ? Am I such a bad liar ?" I said, looking him in the eyes.

"You can say whatever you want, but your eyes don't lie." He replied.

I frowned.

"Don't look at me like that, I can't help it." He added.

I relaxed my expression, and he continued. "What's wrong Maylin ? You can talk to me, you know." He said in a calm voice.

I exhaled deeply. "It's just... it's just that there are all these boys and, and Liam he—"

I couldn't finish my sentence, a sob cutting me off. Newt then took me in his arms, and I found myself crying on his shoulder.

"Shhh, Maylin, it's okay. Liam is gone, he's dead now. You have nothing to fear, no one will hurt you here." He paused, then continued in a low voice. "And if anyone ever dared to, I'd be there to take care of them."

I sniffed and stopped crying. Newt loosened his embrace, even though I wished I never had to let go.

"Thank you, Newt."

"You don't have to thank me, May."

"Yes, I do. You're always there to comfort me. Thank you for being there for me, Newt."

"It's normal." He said, smiling at me.

"And... sorry for wetting your shoulder." I said, pointing to his shoulder, soaked from my tears.

"It's no big deal." He said with a chuckle.

He looked at me for a moment and brought his hand to my face. He wiped away the last tear on my cheek, then stood up.

"It's late, you should get some sleep."

I stood up too.

"You too."

He chuckled. "I'm planning to."

He started walking ahead of me. I then noticed he was limping, even more than usual. Running for so long today must not have helped... I approached him.

"Newt ?"

He turned to face me.

"Yes ?"

"You're limping.." I said, pointing to his leg.

I looked up at him and noticed his face had become a bit pale. He was also avoiding my gaze.

"Did I... did I say something wrong ? I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"

He cut me off. "No, you didn't say anything wrong. It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Now you're the one who's lying." I said, unconvinced by his words.

He sighed, amused. "It's nothing, I'm fine."

"No. You can barely walk. You're in pain, aren't you ?" I asked, forcing him to look at me.

"A little. But it's fine."

"Come to the infirmary with me." I said, taking his wrist and starting to walk toward the infirmary.

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