Chapter 29 - Bring joy

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We all settled at a table, the four of us, and Gally joined us shortly after.

"You're sweating, shank." Gally said to Newt as he sat down across from him.

"I hadn't noticed." Newt replied.

I let out a laugh at his remark.

"Seriously, what did you do to sweat so much ? I didn't think planting cabbages was that exhausting." I said, chuckling.

Newt shot me a look that was probably meant to be cold at first, but he ended up smiling, unable to keep a straight face.

"You guys asked me to finish work before this afternoon, remember ? And I'm not just planting cabbages ! I had to help Alby and Winston find the cow that ran away."

"So a cow really did run away ?" I asked, laughing again.

"Yes, and they ran after it ! I can't believe you missed it." Gally chimed in, chuckling.

"Winston tripped over the cow's dung." Newt added.

"I would die to see that." I said, laughing.

We all laughed, and Chuck intervened in a low voice. "What we were doing in the meantime will be worth it."

He let out a laugh, followed by Isaac who had heard him.

"Well, since you have nothing to do this afternoon, we should do something !" I said enthusiastically.

"What do you suggest we do ?" Asked Newt.

"I don't know, what do you do for fun here ? Besides bonfires on Greenie Day and chasing cows in the Glade ?" I asked.

Newt rolled his eyes and let out an amused sigh. "Nothing special. Everyone works or does their own thing."

"Well, that's boring. We should play a game !"

"And what kind of game ?" Asked Gally.

"How about 'Fox, Snake, Chicken'?"

"What ?" Gally, Newt, and Isaac asked at the same time.

"You don't know it ?"

"Never heard of it."

"It sounds weird."

"We don't have any foxes here."

"Or snakes, I hope."

"It's not literal !" I said, cutting off the three boys.

"I'll explain the rules. Basically, there are three teams. Each team has its own base, or house, whatever you want to call it. The foxes have to catch the chickens, the chickens have to catch the snakes, and the snakes have to catch the foxes."

"So each team gets caught by one team and has to catch another ?" Asked Isaac.

"That's right ! We could play with all the Gladers who are interested." I suggested.

"Mm, they probably have work to do." Newt replied.

"They can do it later. No one's going to die because Gally didn't make new tables." I replied.

"That's not all I do all day." Gally chimed in, chuckling.

"If you say so." I replied, laughing as well.

"Come on, Newt, please ! I really want to play Maylin's game !" Chuck asked Newt, pouting.

"Since you're second-in-command, it's up to you to decide..." I added, mimicking Chuck's pleading look.

Newt laughed. "Don't look at me like that." He said, turning away.

"Alright, I'll talk to Alby." He said, getting up.

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