Chapter 8 - Flashbacks

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"As you know, Maylin is the new Greenie this month. Some of the Keepers have reported inappropriate behavior from some of you. I want to make it clear that this is unacceptable. That's why I've decided to add a fourth rule." Alby announced.

Some boys started discussing it, but Newt silenced them.

"From now on, it is strictly forbidden to approach Maylin with any inappropriate intentions. Any misconduct will be strongly punished." Explained Newt.

"It's easy to say that after spending the night with her !" Shouted a boy.

"Excuse me ?" Exclaimed Newt.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment and tears welled up in my eyes. The thought of having that reputation in the Glade was absolutely distressing.

"We all saw Maylin leaving your hut this morning, proudly wearing your clothes." the boy added.

"I didn't sleep with her ! What's gotten into your bloody heads, are you insane ?" Replied Newt, his anger evident in his voice.

Minho stood up abruptly and turned towards the group of boys.

"Maylin didn't have any clothes to spend the night. Newt simply lent her some, and she fell asleep in his hut. They didn't even sleep together, you idiots." He explained firmly.

I smiled at the boys's defense.

"I would have loved for her to take my clothes anyway." The boy concluded.

A tear rolled down my cheek, and Chuck moved closer, resting his head on my shoulder in a show of support. I knew he might not have fully understood the conversation, but he recognized that the boy had been disrespectful towards me.

"You will be reprimanded for your words this evening, Liam." Declared Alby.

"One night in the Pit." Ordered Newt sharply.

The boys concluded the announcement, and everyone got up to fetch food. I stayed in my place, not very hungry, and thought about the situation. Chuck finally snapped me out of my thoughts by shaking me. Newt and Minho sat down at the table, and Newt placed a plate in front of me.

"You need to eat, Maylin. And umh, I'm sorry about what happened..." Newt said, avoiding my gaze slightly.

I lifted my head and looked at him, forcing him to meet my eyes.

"It's not your fault, Newt." I said calmly, wiping away the tear that had fallen down my cheek and giving him a slight smile.

He returned the smile, with a hint of sadness.

"If you're not hungry, Maylin, I'm always here, you know !" Chuck said, smiling with his cheeks full of food.

I chuckled lightly, and as I was about to give him my plate, Newt stopped me in my tracks.

"I'm serious, Maylin. Please eat." He insisted.

"You're trying out to be a Runner tomorrow, remember ? It would be a shame to lack strength and not give it your best." Added Minho.

I smiled at the two boys and started eating. We chatted a bit, and Chuck managed to lift the mood.

"I haven't forgotten what you did this morning, Chuck." Minho said.

"Oh come on, no need to make a big deal out of it !" Chuck replied.

"Why do you care so much about  having nice hair ? Trying to impress the Grievers ?" I asked, chuckling. Newt and Chuck followed me in my laugh.

"Miss here thinks I have nice hair." Minho replied, flashing his usual smirk.

I chuckled, and we finished eating. I cleared the table and went to the dormitory with Chuck while Minho and Newt went off to talk. Newt had explained to me that he and Minho had been best friends since they arrived at the Glade. In reality, he didn't exactly say "best friends," but that's what it implied. I found it great that they had formed such a strong friendship despite the situation they were in.

Chuck and I continued chatting before going to sleep. He shared all his ideas for pranking Minho and Gally, which made me laugh. Chuck was still just a kid at heart. I sincerely hoped he could get out of here and enjoy his teenage years like a normal child. With that thought in mind, I finally fell asleep.

I found myself in what seemed to be a corridor. A glass window separated me from a room. The same room as last time. I was back in this nightmare. But it really seemed real. Could it be a memory ?

I approached the glass and strained to listen, trying to make out the conversation the blonde woman was having with the man.

"She's a smart girl, she'll never believe that." Said the woman.

"We'll show her fake evidence. It won't be difficult to persuade her to go to the Maze with that excuse." Replied the man.

The woman sighed before turning and starting to walk slowly. She was now completely facing away from me, making it difficult to hear and fully understand her words.

"Very well, go ahead then. You know I put my trust in you. Make it quick and credible. You know we're supposed to send in a new child tomorrow. I have no doubt she'll volunteer for next month if she's convinced that he..."

I didn't catch the end of her sentence, she was too far away for it to be audible from the corridor where I was. Were they talking about me ? Had I decided myself to go to the maze ? I didn't understand. I began to walk down this long corridor, unsure of where I was going. Eventually, I encountered the same boy as last time. His face was still blurred, making him indistinct.

"Maylin ! I've been looking for you. We really need to do something, and quickly. This can't go on any longer..." He said, sounding stressed.

As I was about to ask him what he meant, I jolted awake. Or so I thought. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by bright neon lights, blinding me. Several people surrounded me, repeating the same phrases over and over.

"Wicked is good."

"You'll fulfill your mission easily, Maylin."

"We trust you."

I then opened my eyes and sat up abruptly. The sunlight quickly blinded me. This time, I recognized the Glade, realizing I was indeed awake. It was just a dream. I turned my head towards Chuck's hammock and saw him sleeping peacefully.

I got up, no longer feeling sleepy and honestly not wanting to continue sleeping after that dream.

I decided to take a walk in the forest, heading towards the lake I had discovered the other day. I sat down by its edge and gazed ahead. I could see one of the tall walls covered in ivy in the distance. Suddenly, an idea came to me. I stared at the lake, hoping to see my reflection. I touched each part of my face as I examined myself. The only thing I couldn't see was the color of my eyes. That intrigued me especially.

I felt the sunlight filtering through the trees. The sun was rising higher in the sky, indicating it was time to go eat and start the day. I got up and headed towards the dining hall, where I found Chuck, already eager to get his breakfast, not surprisingly.

I picked up my breakfast from Frypan and sat down at the usual table with Chuck, Newt, and Minho. This little routine was starting to grow on me. I was almost getting used to life in the Glade. Once I found my job, maybe I would really start to enjoy it. Despite that, I still didn't want to stay there forever. That's why I was determined to become a Runner.

That thought reminded me that today, Minho was supposed to put me through the tests to become a Runner, which explained why he was lingering a bit longer than usual in the dining area with us. After finishing our meals, I said goodbye to Newt and Chuck, eager to start the tests.


Chapter 8 !!

I don't know if this is too short ?

Serendipity - The maze runner, NewtNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ