Chapter 4: Tragedy

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3rd pov

"Stay out of my way, Ayanokoji. I don't need your help" Issei still recovering from Freed's attacks

Ayanokoji stared at Issei, "Doesn't seem that way"

"Hey quite ignoring me, I'm right here! And I'm itching to kill you devil and devil friend!" Freed cackled like a psychopath

Ayanokoji decided to take matters into his own hands, before he could activate his Haki, a transportation circle appeared showing the Gremory symbol. And out appeared Koneko, Kiba, Akeno, and Rias

Rias stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Freed. "Who are you"

Freed's smirk widened as he eyed the newcomers. "No one special. But it seems our party has grown. How delightful."

Akeno stepped forward, her voice tinged with authority. "Enough games. You're outmatched here."

Kiba stood beside her, his sword at the ready. "You should leave before things escalate further."

"Well well, looks like the gang all here! I can't wait to slowly dissect every one of you devils!" Freed laughed

Upon spotting Ayanokoji, Rias and Akeno's expressions darkened with anger. Rias wasted no time in issuing orders to Koneko and Kiba. "Kiba and Koneko, handle this psychopath."

"Right," they responded, swiftly moving to confront Freed.

Turning her attention back to Ayanokoji, Rias's tone was sharp with accusation. "What are you doing here?!"

Ayanokoji shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing."

"You were about to activate Haki, weren't you? The same thing that's killing you," Rias pressed.

Meanwhile, Akeno disregarded Ayanokoji's presence and launched an attack on Freed, while Issei hurried to Asia's side, seeing her injuries inflicted by Freed prior to Ayanokoji's arrival.

Ayanokoji's attempt to assist was abruptly halted as he found himself frozen in place. Glancing down, he noticed ice magic binding his feet and saw Akeno, the one who had cast it, focused solely on battling Freed without sparing him a single glance.

As Koneko's punch sent Freed crashing through a wall, he cackled maniacally, reveling in the strength of his opponents.

"Haha, you devil freaks are strong!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with malicious glee.

Kiba moved in to strike, but Freed countered with his blade, parrying the attack.

Meanwhile, Akeno unleashed a bolt of lightning magic, causing Freed to scream out in agony as the electrifying surge coursed through him.

Freed's laughter echoed throughout the room, his sadistic grin never faltering despite the onslaught against him. With a swift movement, he dodged Kiba's follow-up strike, spinning around to face Koneko once more.

"You're going to have to do better than that, little cat," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Koneko's expression remained stoic as she lunged forward again, her movements swift and precise. But Freed was quick to counter, his sword slashing through the air with deadly accuracy. Kiba circled around, looking for an opening to exploit, while Akeno prepared another spell, her determination unwavering.

Suddenly, Freed's movements became more erratic, his attacks growing frenzied as he felt the pressure mounting against him. Sensing an opportunity, Kiba seized the moment and launched a powerful strike, aiming for Freed's exposed flank. But Freed, fueled by desperation, managed to deflect the blow just in time, his blade clashing with Kiba's in a shower of sparks.

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now