Chapter 11: Phenex's Downfall

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3rd person

It was now night time, Rias sat alone in Ayanokoji's room, perched on the edge of his bed. With a gentle touch, she reached out to him, her fingers brushing lightly against his cheek.

"Kiyotaka... Can you hear me? It's me, Rias," she murmured softly, her voice carrying a hint of longing.

Ayanokoji remained motionless, lost in the depths of unconsciousness. Rias let out a sigh, her fingertips tracing delicate circles on his sleeping face.

"It's been a week since the rating game, and you still haven't woken up... it seems my engagement party with Riser is tomorrow," she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness and resignation.

"You know, they say love conquers all. But sometimes... sometimes it feels like love is the hardest battle of all."

Tears welled up in Rias's eyes as she struggled to articulate her emotions, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I never imagined it would be this difficult, loving someone like you. You're so distant, so... unreachable. It's like trying to hold onto a fleeting dream, slipping through my fingers no matter how tightly I grasp."

She leaned closer to Ayanokoji, her voice quivering with raw vulnerability, her lips just inches away from his.

"But despite it all, I can't help but love you, Kiyotaka. Even when you're lying here, unconscious and unaware of my presence, my heart still aches for you."

As the steady beep of the heart monitor filled the room, Rias leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Ayanokoji's forehead. A lone tear trailed down Rias's cheek as she struggled to compose herself, her grip on Ayanokoji's hand tightening.

"I don't know what to do with all these feelings, Kiyotaka. I don't want to marry Riser. I'm scared... scared that you'll never wake up, that I'll never get the chance to tell you how much you mean to me."

Rias's fingers trembled as she brushed a lock of hair from Ayanokoji's forehead, her touch gentle yet laden with uncertainty.

"Please... come back to me, Kiyotaka. I need you. My heart needs you."

With a heavy sigh, she bowed her head, her tears falling silently onto Ayanokoji's hand.

Grayfia appeared solemnly, "Lady Rias... it's time. You need to head back to get ready for your wedding."

Rias nodded sadly before leaning down to give Ayanokoji a tender kiss on his lips.

"My first love took my first kiss," she lightly giggled through her tears.

As she got up to leave, she whispered softly, "I'll be here, waiting for you. Always."


the morning of the rating game

Issei met up with someone, his curiosity evident in his expression.

"Who are you?" he asked.

The boy stepped forward and replied, "Hello, Hyoudou-senpai."

"Hoshino?!" Issei exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected first year.

Shiro smirked, his demeanor cryptic. "That is me," he confirmed.

"What do you want? What's with this sketchy text?" Issei demanded, his suspicion evident.

Shiro circled Issei, his movements calculated. As he muttered to himself, "Oh, how I could easily kill you right now," his hand twitched involuntarily. "But unfortunately, you can't die yet. We still need you, so I can kill him," he smirked, his intentions shrouded in mystery.

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum