Chapter 21: This isn't so bad

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Make sure to vote as it helps motivate me, 30 votes on this one? 

Also remember if we can get 30-35 votes on all the prev chapters then I'll willingly do a lemon 😪

As the night drew to a close, everyone began leaving the ORC, leaving Rias, Shirou, and Ayanokoji as the last ones there. Rias busied herself with closing up the clubroom.

"Um, Dad?" Shirou spoke hesitantly, breaking the silence.

Ayanokoji nodded, giving his son his full attention.

"Could you spend the night with us at Mom's?" Shirou asked, his voice tinged with a hopeful note.

Rias blushed at the request, prompting Ayanokoji to give her an unamused glance.

"Sure," Ayanokoji said "If that's fine with you, Rias?"

"Of course!" Rias smiled warmly, her blush deepening. "You're always welcome."

Ayanokoji pulled out his phone to text everyone at his manor that he wouldn't be coming back tonight. Much to Serafall, Yasaka, and Kunou's dismay, they were all looking forward to a family night.

Shirou's face lit up with a smile. "Could we watch a movie?"

Ayanokoji nodded again. "I think that sounds like a great idea."

"Let's make brownies too!" Shirou added with enthusiasm.

Rias smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Yes! I would love that."

As they walked, Ayanokoji mused to himself, 'So this is what a family feels like,' while observing Shirou and Rias laughing and talking amongst themselves.

Noticing Ayanokoji lagging behind, Shirou turned around and called out, "Pick up the pace, old man! Or we'll eat all the brownies without you!"

"Go ahead," Ayanokoji replied, feigning nonchalance.

Rias smiled mischievously and added, "That includes the ice cream."

Ayanokoji's eyes sparkled at the mention of ice cream. Without another word, he bolted towards Rias's manor, causing Shirou and Rias to burst into laughter.

"I never knew Dad had such a simple weakness," Shirou laughed.

Rias grinned and said, "Let's go before your father eats all the ice cream."

Together, they hurried home, their laughter filling the night with a sense of warmth and joy.

Ayanokoji, Shirou, and Rias are gathered around the kitchen counter, donning aprons as they prepare to bake brownies. Shirou eagerly cracks eggs into the mixing bowl while Ayanokoji carefully measures out ingredients, and Rias playfully supervises, occasionally stealing chocolate chips to pop into her mouth.

"Hey, no snacking before the brownies are done!" Shirou uttered, earning a playful pout from Rias.

Ayanokoji sat on the couch with a comically large bowl of ice cream balanced precariously on his lap. He takes bite after bite, much to Shirou's amusement, who can't contain his giggles at his father's indulgence. 

"Dad, you're gonna get a brain freeze!" Shirou giggles, watching his father indulge. 

Rias affectionately rubs Ayanokoji's back, a fond smile on her face as she watches the scene unfold. "Take it easy, Kiyotaka," she says teasingly. 

Ayanokoji shook his head, "Icecream-chan forever"

The soft glow of the television illuminates the cozy living room as Ayanokoji, Shirou, and Rias cuddle up on the couch, enveloped in blankets and pillows. A big bowl of popcorn sits between them, and they each grab handfuls as they settle in for movie night.

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now