Chapter 5: Valued vs Loved

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3rd POV

As Roygun drifted off into sleep, her breathing steady and calm, Ayanokoji lay beside her, his mind swirling with thoughts and plans. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his expression unreadable in the dim light of the room.

In the quiet of the night, his thoughts were consumed by the weight of his responsibilities and the choices he would have to make. He knew that difficult decisions lay ahead, ones that could alter the course of their lives forever.

'I wonder do I love Roygun or do I value her'

Yet, despite the turmoil within him, he found a sense of solace in the warmth of Roygun's presence beside him. For now, he allowed himself a moment of respite

In a quiet corner of the manor, Kalawarner and Raynare found themselves in a tense exchange.

"I heard you're responsible for their demise," Kalawarner stated bluntly.

Raynare's response was nonchalant, her shrug betraying a lack of remorse. "Yeah, so what?"

Kalawarner's expression remained stoic, though a glint of disapproval shimmered in her eyes. "It seems you're rather indifferent about it."

Raynare's nod was casual, almost flippant. "You're correct. I don't lose sleep over such matters."

Kalawarner paused, considering her words carefully before responding. "But don't you think there's value in recognizing the weight of your actions?"

Raynare's response was swift and unwavering. "Not particularly. In the grand scheme of things, they were inconsequential."

Kalawarner's tone held a note of urgency as she emphasized her concerns. "It seems you don't understand. Not only were they our former comrades, but we could easily be next."

Raynare's expression shifted to seriousness as she met Kalawarner's gaze. "Weren't you the one who said to trust Ayanokoji-sama's judgment? He always has a plan."

"Clearly, he has blinded you," Kalawarner responded, her voice tinged with frustration. "Can't you see that he doesn't care about us?"

Raynare remained silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing in thought before she responded, "Perhaps you're right. But our loyalty lies with him"

"Ara ara, what do we have here~"

Kalawarner and Raynare turned around to see Kuroka leaning on the door frame, her mischievous smile evident.

Kalawarner and Raynare turned around to see Kuroka leaning on the door frame, her mischievous smile evident

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"How long have you been there?" Kalawarner asked, a hint of suspicion in her tone.

Kuroka giggled, her tail swishing behind her. "Long enough. It seems you have some doubt, Kalawarner."

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now