Chapter 14: 7 Exacliburs

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Vote it gives me more motivation, if this can get 30-40, I'll post another later tonight

3rd Pov

Yasaka emerged from the bathroom to find a figure hovering over Ayanokoji, her instincts immediately on high alert.

"Step away from him now!" she ordered her voice commanding and firm.

The figure turned around slowly, raising their hands in a gesture of peace. "I mean no harm," they assured, their tone calm but guarded.

"What are you doing here? And why are you concealing your presence" Yasaka demanded, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

The figure's gaze shifted towards Ayanokoji before returning to Yasaka. "We couldn't help but notice Kiyotaka Ayanokoji's long absence, but now we know," they explained cryptically

"Who's 'we'?" Yasaka asked, her curiosity piqued as she sought to uncover the identity of the mysterious figure's allies.

The figure bowed respectfully. "Forgive me," they replied before moving towards the nearest couch. "Where are my manners? I am Jeanne d'Arc."

Yasaka remained wary as she continued her questioning

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Yasaka remained wary as she continued her questioning. "So what do you want with Yotaka?" she inquired, her gaze steady as she awaited an explanation.

Jeanne's eyes turned towards Ayanokoji, a solemn expression crossing her features. "It seems Kiyotaka Ayanokoji never told you... Lord Ophis is running out of patience," she revealed, her words carrying a weighty implication.

"Ophis? The Infinite Dragon God?" Yasaka repeated in disbelief, her mind reeling at the mention of such a powerful entity.

"Lord Ophis wanted to recruit him to the Khaos Brigade," Jeanne explained, her voice tinged with a sense of gravity.

"Khaos Brigade?" Yasaka repeated, her brows furrowing in confusion as she struggled to comprehend the significance of the organization.

Jeanne rose from her seat, her demeanor serious as she continued to divulge information. "I can't say much, but in short, he rejected the offer, so they made a deal."

Yasaka's eyes widened as she awaited Jeanne's explanation of the deal's terms.

"If Kiyotaka Ayanokoji defeats Lord Ophis, she would heal him. However, if she won, then he would join the Khaos Brigade," Jeanne revealed.

Yasaka simply shrugged in response. "Tough luck. Looks like he won't need to take it," she remarked casually, her confidence evident despite the gravity of the situation.

"Lord Ophis will find another way. A certain someone has been eagerly wanting his presence to join," Jeanne informed, her tone hinting at the persistence.

Yasaka nodded in acknowledgment, her annoyance palpable as she dismissed Jeanne. "If that's all, feel free to leave," she stated bluntly, her voice tinged with impatience as she signaled the end of their conversation.

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now