Chapter 13: Blessing

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I felt nice so I decided to post another one today, please don't make me regret it and vote it up and the previous ones for more

3rd POV

Flashback to the night of Asia's death

Ayanokoji's arms cradled Irina's sleeping form with gentle strength as he effortlessly lifted her onto his shoulder, his expression unreadable as he gazed down at her peaceful face.

"Now, time to take care of that thing," Ayanokoji murmured to himself, his voice low and determined as he set off with purpose.

As he ran through the dimly lit streets, his senses heightened, Ayanokoji soon caught sight of Freed, limping and muttering curses to himself in the distance.

Ayanokoji's voice cut through the tension of the night, drawing Freed's attention 

"Freed," Ayanokoji called out, his voice firm and unwavering as he approached him

Freed turned to face Ayanokoji, his expression a mix of surprise and defiance. "You!" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain as he glared at the newcomer.

"What do you want, you devil lover?!" Freed spat, his voice thick with contempt as he glared at Ayanokoji.

Ayanokoji continued walking closer, his expression unreadable as he met Freed's hostile gaze. "It seems you're in quite a bit of pain," he observed, his tone calm and composed.

"Yeah, what's it to ya?" Freed snapped, his voice tinged with defiance as he shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable.

Ayanokoji's gaze remained emotionless as he spoke. "It seems the Inhuman blood has some negative side effects," he remarked

"How would you know that?" Freed asked, his surprise evident in his voice as he regarded Ayanokoji with suspicion.

"How do you think you got it?" Ayanokoji replied, his tone unimpressed as he met Freed's gaze with steely resolve.

Freed's curiosity piqued, his expression betraying a hint of intrigue. "And why would you give your enemy an advantage?" he inquired, his voice laced with skepticism.

"That's for my reasons only, however, I can fix your problem," Ayanokoji stated matter-of-factly, his words carrying an air of confidence.

Freed took a step closer, his interest clearly piqued. "Oh really? How so?" he asked, his curiosity overshadowing his wariness for the moment.

"I can turn you into an Inhuman," Ayanokoji stated plainly, his gaze steady as he met Freed's glare.

Freed's expression darkened as he scoffed. "I'm perfectly fine with being human, so no thank you," he retorted dismissively, already starting to turn away.

"It seems you don't realize... Inhumans are the embodiment of being a perfect human," Ayanokoji declared, his voice calm but firm, halting Freed in his tracks.

Freed paused, his interest piqued once again as he turned back to face Ayanokoji, his expression guarded.

"Becoming Inhuman is simply just apart of human evolution," Ayanokoji finished, his words carrying a weight of certainty as he laid out the potential benefits of such a transformation.

Freed now faced Ayanokoji, his gaze wary but intrigued. "This sounds too good. What's the catch?" he asked, his tone cautious as he searched for any sign of deception in Ayanokoji's words.

"One request," Ayanokoji replied, holding his finger out in emphasis.

Freed chuckled skeptically. "And what makes you think I will obey your request?" he countered, his skepticism evident as he regarded Ayanokoji with narrowed eyes.

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now