Chapter 12: Revenge and Betrayal

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3rd POV

"What's he doing here?!" Akeno exclaimed, pointing accusingly at Shiro.

Rias offered a small smile. "Shiro is here as our replacement for Issei."

"Replacement?" Akeno's confusion deepened.

"Let me explain," Shiro interjected calmly. "Hyoudou-senpai betrayed you all. He intentionally let Riser win."

"W-what?" Akeno's disbelief was evident in her voice.

Rias nodded solemnly. "Yes, it seems that Issei had his own agenda during the match. He betrayed our trust."

Akeno's eyes widened in shock. "Issei... betrayed us? But why would he do such a thing?"

Shiro stepped forward, his expression unreadable. "The reasons are unclear, but the betrayal is undeniable. That's why I've stepped in to assist Rias-senpai and the others in their time of need."

Akeno's disbelief turned to concern. "What do you plan to do about Issei, Hoshino?"

Shiro interjected, his tone matter-of-fact. "Perhaps his loyalty wasn't as unwavering as you believed. But fear not, I am here to ensure that justice is served."

"So is he a devil?" Akeno asked

Rias nodded grimly. "He blamed Shiro for his own betrayal. And no, Akeno, he's not a devil, but he's on our side."

Akeno's concern was palpable. "You don't understand, Rias. This guy is a threat!"

Koneko's suspicious gaze remained fixed on Shiro, silently echoing Akeno's sentiments.

I mean no harm," Shiro repeated, his hands raised in a placating gesture.

Akeno's glare intensified. "You were the one who attacked Kiyotaka at the manor! You tried to kill him."

The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone's attention turned to Shiro, awaiting his response.

"I-is that true?" Rias asked 

"I did," Shiro admitted, meeting Rias's gaze squarely,  "but Hyoudou-senpai forced me to"

"Bullshit!" Akeno's voice rang out, sharp with disbelief.

Kiba's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why would Issei want that?"

Shiro reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone, swiftly playing a voice recording of his conversation with Issei. As the recording ended, he returned the phone to his pocket.

"So Issei was jealous of Ayanokoji because of Rias?" Kiba sought clarification, his tone edged with incredulity.

"Yes," Shiro confirmed with a solemn nod. "He was consumed by jealousy and wanted to eliminate the competition."

Rias's expression shifted from confusion to realization, her features contorted with a mix of hurt and betrayal. "I can't believe Issei would do something like this..."

"I smell cap" Koneko's skepticism hung heavy in the air 

Shiro simply shrugged in response. "You all heard how he betrayed you guys during the rating game."

"I guess... that makes sense." Kiba nodded slowly, processing the information. 

Akeno's gaze bore into Shiro with a dangerous intensity. "Come near Kiyotaka again... and I'll kill you," she declared firmly.

Shiro chuckled lightly, the sound carrying a hint of amusement. "I wouldn't want that, haha."

Rias nodded solemnly, her expression torn between gratitude and wariness. "I don't trust you fully... but you saved me from a wedding I didn't want. However, Akeno's words apply to me as well."

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