Chapter 6: I love you

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Let's aim for 30-40 votes

3rd POV

"Hoshino-kun?" both Rias and Sona echoed in surprise.

Shiro smiled charmingly. "Yes, I was hoping to talk to you, Gremory-senpai. I couldn't help but overhear your dodgeball match," he explained.

Rias and Sona exchanged wary glances, silently pondering whether Shiro had overheard their conversation about familiars.

Meanwhile, Ayanokoji continued to scrutinize Shiro, his gaze unwavering. Shiro, sensing the scrutiny, met his stare head-on.

'So this is Shiro?' Ayanokoji mused, studying the newcomer intently.

Shiro's gaze shifted to Ayanokoji, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes.

'Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, huh,' he thought, silently assessing the enigmatic figure before him.

Then, his attention turned to Issei, and another thought crossed his mind.

'Issei Hyoudou,' he mused, his expression unreadable as he observed the spirited young man.

Sona broke the silence, "I don't have a problem with it, if you're fine with it, Rias."

"Works for me. Are you good at sports, Hoshino-kun?" Rias inquired.

Shiro smiled, "I would say I'm about average," he replied casually, his gaze lingering momentarily on Ayanokoji. Rias, Irina, Sona, Ouryuu, and Akeno noticed the glance and exchanged curious glances among themselves.

'He knows Kiyotaka?' they each thought to themselves, puzzled by the connection.

Meanwhile, Ouryuu pondered silently, 'Is that his target?'

He then noticed Akeno's gaze, 'So this is Akeno Himejima, huh'

"Alright, let's start this, then," Sona declared, her voice ringing out with authority.

As the teams shuffled onto the gym floor, Ayanokoji's eyes scanned the assembled players, noting their positions and movements. His gaze briefly met Akeno's, and he offered her a small nod before turning his attention back to the impending match.

"Remember, everyone, this is just a friendly competition," Rias reminded her team, her voice carrying across the gym. "Let's give it our all, but let's keep it fun and fair."

As they took their positions on opposite sides of the gym, a competitive energy filled the air. Sona's team, including Ayanokoji, Sona, Reya, Tsubaki, Momo, Genshirou, and Ouryuu, formed a determined lineup. Meanwhile, Rias's team comprised Akeno, Rias, Kiba, Shiro, Irina, Koneko, and Issei, each ready to give their all in the upcoming match.

The gym echoed with the sounds of shouts and thuds as dodgeballs flew across the room. Amidst the chaos, Rias's team coordinated their efforts with precision.

"Keep the pressure on them! Don't let up!" Rias called out, her voice a commanding presence on the court.

Issei and Kiba moved swiftly, dodging incoming balls and retaliating with accurate throws of their own. Irina displayed remarkable agility, evading attacks with graceful movements.

Meanwhile, Ayanokoji remained calm and observant, his eyes scanning the battlefield as he analyzed the unfolding dynamics.

"Come on, Ayanokoji! Get in the game!" Genshirou shouted

The intensity of the match increased as both teams showcased their skills and teamwork. Spells, lightning bolts, and sword slashes filled the air amidst the chaos of flying dodgeballs.

Road to becoming the Perfect Human (Ayanokoji x Cote x Highschool DxD x Fate)Where stories live. Discover now