Chapter 23

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June 15, 1963, 21:00

Prime Minister's Office, Japanese Empire

"Your Excellency, it has been reported that the First Fleet has annihilated the enemy Lourian fleet and secured the safety of the Rodenius Sea."

"Ooh, that's good news. Now we can safely transport the Army's supply ships..."

"Yes, the transport of the 7th Division will commence the day after tomorrow. It is now possible for the troops to recapture Gim by land and the troops to conduct an amphibious assault on the Lourian northern port to recapture Qua-Toyne's territory and conduct a counter-invasion on Louria, respectively."

"Indeed, please convey my commendations to Itō-san for a job well done."

Upon receiving reports from his subordinates that nearly all of the Lourian naval forces had been annihilated off the coast of Rodenius, Takagi first felt relieved at this initial victory.

Even NHK television broadcasted reports of the naval battle achievements, uplifting the spirits of the Japanese economy, which had been languishing since the transfer, and the depressed Japanese populace.

The news of the Imperial Navy sinking nearly 4.250 enemy ships, though sailing ships, was unprecedented and raised doubts among many citizens about the veracity of such a remarkable feat. However, the following day's newspapers published authorized photographs from the Navy General Staff, showing battleships Yamato and Musashi sailing amidst scattered wreckage at sea, along with escorting destroyers, which helped alleviate doubts.

Yet, for the government and military upper echelons, including Takagi, the outcome of this major naval battle also determined the armed forces' direction.

This was because they had been alerted by the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila, with whom they had established diplomatic relations, about using seemingly fantastical methods akin to magic to compensate for their lagging technological advancement. Hence, they had been wary of potential magical attacks from Louria's military.

However, with the successful neutralization of the Eastern Conquest Fleet through attacks by Yamato and Musashi's anti-aircraft shells, the destruction of 250 wyverns in a single blow, as well as the effectiveness of 46 cm shell attacks and aerial strikes from carriers, they felt reassured.

Having confirmed the effectiveness of conventional artillery attacks, Takagi decided to deploy the armored division of the 7th Division for the next battle. This unit was commanded by General Nishi, *1 who had once won a gold medal in equestrian events at the Los Angeles Olympics.

"The 7th Division... I see. They are an elite unit that participated in the battles of Shōnan Island and the independence war of the Republic of Madagascar. And with General Nishi in command, they will surely deliver."

With General Nishi in command, Takagi could focus on politics with peace of mind. He highly appreciated Nishi's strategies, such as the effective use of tank units and the innovative tactics involving helicopter-based troop transport.

Nishi, who had participated in the Los Angeles Olympics as a military athlete and won a gold medal, enjoyed high popularity among the citizens, affectionately known as Baron Nishi due to his noble background. Many people admired him.

'However... even if the campaign at sea goes well, we might struggle on land. It's better to be safe than sorry... Should I arrange a discussion with General Nishi just to be sure...?'

Takagi, to be thorough, adjusted the timing and then attempted a call with Nishi.

Upon realizing that Takagi himself was calling, Nishi answered Takagi's questions diligently and proceeded to explain the future operations.

"Prime Minister Takagi, regarding the 'magic' you mentioned, we are currently arranging for sorcerers from Qua-Toyne to assess what kind of attacks we can anticipate. Even from a military perspective, we never imagined handling techniques akin to those found in fantasy novels or comic books..."

"It seems that in this world, magic is commonly used, allowing even medieval scientific knowledge to rival modern technology through the power of magic..."

"Yes, that's why it's important to verify. Since there's a possibility they might employ spells that could render tanks ineffective, it's imperative that we take precautions."

Magic was an unfamiliar concept, often thought to be confined to the realm of fiction, fairy tales, or comic books. However, considering the potential for attacks that could rival modern weaponry and equipment depending on their application, Takagi urged Nishi to ensure thorough training for the soldiers as well.

"Though this is purely speculative... someone adept at handling magic might unleash attacks equivalent to tank main cannons... General Nishi, could you once again provide the entire unit with guidance on magic?"

"Understood. I'll personally instruct the soldiers. They probably haven't encountered magic before, so it's important for them to understand..."

Takagi and Nishi would address the threat of magic together. Simultaneously, they instructed Tanaka stationed at the Japanese Embassy in the Principality of Qua-Toyne, to gather information on magic, expanding military training beyond conventional warfare to include anti-magic measures.



*1: He was a soldier who died in the OTL Battle of Iwo Jima, and it's famous that his horse, which he rode to victory in the Olympics, passed away around the same time, as if sensing Nishi's death. In TNO, he survives as a general and even appears in coup events.

Summoning Japan × The New Order: Last Days of Europeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें