Chapter 58

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 16:00

Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Ambassador Plenipotentiary Cast was enjoying the tragedy unfolding before him as if it were a spectacle and savoring aged wine.

"Hahaha, excellent. Take heed, Altaran heathens. BAHAHAHA! Hot damn, the wine tastes even better now."

The combat operation employing the soldiers, who had been waiting in the embassy, as a punitive measure against the Kingdom of Altaras, had achieved certain results. Cast was delighted in the execution of the punishment against nations that dared to defy the Parpaldia Empire, carried out by himself and the radical faction led by Remille. However, despite the fact that the root cause of these events lay in Cast's own selfish words and actions, he remained oblivious to it. He wasn't even aware.

For major powers, trampling over weaker nations was natural, and it was common knowledge that sending slaves during colonization was standard practice. Slaves were sold to the industrial zones and plantation farms of the Parpaldia Empire, where they were expected to work until death, considered a virtue.

"Altaras has made an idiotic decision. They betrayed us more than anything else, and this is the result. Traitors who swore allegiance to the nation of Japan must be punished, and they must be taught a lesson once again that the Parpaldia Empire is great and should be revered..."

Ironically, his values closely resembled what the zaibatsu in the transferred Japanese Empire was contemplating.

Import cheap resources from colonies and puppet states to develop the domestic economic system. Rice produced in the puppeted China fills the stomachs of Japanese people, and thanks to the oil produced in Southeast Asia and Manchuria, Japan rose to become the world's second-largest economic and military power. Although they initially lost this foundation right after the transference, they secured food reserves from the Principality of Qua-Toyne and oil and mineral resources from the Kingdom of Quila as substitutes, ensuring continued prosperity. In essence, both countries, being colonial powers, had similar ways of thinking and acting.

The only difference, one might say, was that while Japan was well-versed in using both the carrot and the stick, the Parpaldia Empire only knew how to use the stick. Therefore, the Parpaldia Empire thought it acceptable to behave similarly to Japan, wielding only the stick. It was only when Cast drained half of his first glass of wine that he realized his line of thought was incorrect.

All of a sudden, the Parpaldian wyverns which were circling in the sky in front of Ambassador Cast were shot down one by one.

"W-what the—!? The wyverns are exploding!"

Countless missiles hit the wyverns, and with a roar, they exploded into pieces along with their riders. As blood splattered onto the roof of the embassy, fragments of wyverns and crew members rained down. In the face of such a sudden spectacle, Cast stared outside in shock.

"What the hell is happening—"

"Ambassador! Look at that!"

An embassy staff member pointed to unknown planes approaching the embassy. Those were Nakajima planes, with the old Ki-201 Karyū jet fighter and the newer Ki-209 Seiryū, which had been handed over to the security force.

The mixed flight squadron of fighters and attack aircraft, which took off from the airbase on the outskirts of Le Brias, began its counterattack against the Parpaldia Empire, which had been arrogantly trampling over Le Brias.

"Good, most of the wyverns have been shot down. Take care of the remaining ones. If we miss, ground and helicopter units will suffer. Once we deal with the wyverns, it's time to attack the Parpaldian navy offshore."

"Make sure not to crash with bombs into the capital! Begin strafing!"

"Think of them as the usual targets for balloon hunting and shoot. We have the advantage in speed."

The planes began strafing the surviving wyverns for close air support. Unable to comprehend missile attacks, they panicked and fell one after another due to machine gun fire. Until just a moment ago, the Parpaldia Empire had the perception of being a major power and a conqueror. That perception was now crumbling in a way they couldn't understand.

"This is impossible... absolutely impossible..."

With a deafening roar, their prestige crumbled with a loud noise.

And then, the security force's main unit under Mutō entered the central part of the capital, closing in on a point 3 kilometers away from the Parpaldian Embassy.

"We'll soon rendezvous with the helicopter unit. Along with the 1st Infantry Battalion and the 5th Field Artillery Company on the ground, we'll storm the embassy."

"Capture Ambassador Cast alive if possible. If capturing him alive is impossible, a corpse will do. Do not let him escape the embassy at any cost."

"The 3rd Armored Regiment and the 4th Support Company seem to have started fighting with the Parpaldians in the city... From now on, we'll conduct a sweeping within the capital city."

"Feel free to shoot anyone who resists. They killed members of the royal family after all. Treat Parpaldian citizens outside the embassy as threats as well, and authorize open fire on those who attempt to escape or resist."

"Understood... Commander, what about the navy offshore?"

"After reducing their numbers to a certain extent, if they don't raise the surrender flag according to the surrender request, consider them willing to resist and sink all their ships at sea using naval vessels."

Mutō ordered his subordinates to attack both the Parpaldian Embassy and the navy offshore. It was a direct clash of civilizations between the major powers of this world and the otherworldly nation.

Gunshots, sirens, and soon... order.

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